FeedBack on a website ?


I need FeedBack on this website

ps : if anyone have [suggestion]/[want to join Building the site] , a private message .

Good stuff 3d “g” - I’ll go and trial it shortly!

Do something of your own, phpBB forums are just too boring. Even a simple page is better, if it is original.

do you want me to code my own forum? :smiley:

Only if it answers to question what you are. I’m a bit quessing it does not. So continue your search, find something what you really are. It is something of your own.

+1 on being original…

Well if you are willing to pay a buck or two I can talk to my friend for you. He owns a web-design company, I make the designs and he is the coder, and a really good one at that (he single-handily coded a whole forum from scratch for one of our clients)

If you want a whole forum you will have to wait a bit though, it takes a lot of time even for him.