Feedback on book cover

I like big lettuce vines that grow glowing apples, I have one. The crop from that makes you stronger. Couple of side effects though: it makes you feel like a tree for many hours at a time and only thing you can think during that time is what it’s like to be a plant.

I still don’t think the glowing apple thing will work. Things only appear glowing when everything else is relatively dark and you can’t have sunlight and glowing things. Sunlight is such a powerful light source that you would need something like an arc welder to overpower that (which is not something to enjoy without eye protection, I’ve tried).

Maybe it would be better to make it absorb and refract the sunlight so it would appear bright and quite unnatural, and perhaps add something else in the mix, falling/circling petals maybe

How did you know that was the title of my book? “The secrete of the glowing apple lettuce”
I’ll work more on the leaves, and Play with apple glow nodes to see if something like that would fit. I’ve added the mist, and I tried to experiment with a glow blur.


I don’t know what other ppl said, but in most cases the book covers don’t have that much stuff in it. Very often books are abstract or there is one detail. Like this apple on dark background or on someones hand.

Also if you write text to it, don’t write it in blender. 3d-letters in most cases looks ugly.

True most are, but not all. It feels like more adult book covers tend to be more abstract. Mine is directed more for young adult and children. I feel Howl’s moving castle is a good example.

This is the book version not the Ghibli version. Good book, a lot different from the movie.

oops. I posted something and realized there were many pages. Classic.