Feedback would be very much appreciated!(I having using blender for 4 days so pls don't judge!)

I am very new to blender and would like some feedback on this model Im making for a film project. Thank you very much! It’s in the context of Star Wars, after the fall of the republic in 17 BBY and is for a made-up militia force.

Looks ok, it’s a bit hard to give feedback on a single image with a simple pose, especially if you intend to animate it.

Did you do it from scratch? Do you have experience from other software? Is it already rigged? Can you show different poses or - even better - some movement/animation?

How big is this model? The scale seem big. There’s also a bit of clipping (in the hair, belt and arrmor), but not sure if it s scale artifacts or something else.

Hi. Thanks so much for your response! I do intend to animate it but I have not rigged it. I did do the arbor, the shield, the spear and the head from stcratch but I imported a body mesh and edited it to fit the head. I have experience suing fusion 360 and solid works. Attached below are some more angles. Thank you again!

Geez. I wish I ended up with something this good after only using Blender for 4 days.

I don’t think there’s much to criticize. Do more with it.