Hey all,
Thanks for all the C&C, glad you guys like it and are offering good critiques. After I finally had a sleep I spotted a lot I want to change as well.
I definatly agree with the lighting and will change that, may try FG and see what I get. I also think that changing her head/eyes/mouth is a good idea. I was thinking maybe eyes (and mouth) closed and head tilted back slightly.
Could a mod maybe move this to the WIP section please? Cheers. 
Ha! Too true about droid aim. I think the prob with the laser blasts is that it was a lazy man’s photoshop’n. I’m going to try and re-do them better in 3D.
Your right about the blade thickness, I may pump that up a bit as well. Background battle lasers will get a overhaul as well.
Yep, I did a very basic and cheap job on the background models, here is a close up.

I will also pay a little closer attention to the window frame area. I was thinking either just regular glass for the reflective quality, or maybe glowing spherical emiters lining the inside the center of the middle frame piece, what do you think would be best?
Nothin’ wrong with being curious.
I started out with Blender and used it for about 3 years, but still like to come to the community here for overall art crit and to show friends my progress as an artist.
I totally agree with you on the laser blasts, they do look just like lightsaber blades. I referenced up some proper ILM blasts and will try to reproduce those more accuratly.
I ment the sceen to be very bland, just black and white and basically featureless and reflective. But if you think this hurts the image maybe i could re-think a few things, like maybe some more gibberish tech panneling on the white walls or something?
And definatly the lighting, I think thats what im going to be messin around with today. 
Thanks mate, I definatly wanted action in the still, glad it came across clear. I did spend some time doing sketches to find a good composition, it definatly helps to draw things out first.
I get what you are saying, and will revisit her facial expression, im leaning towards eyes closed head back calm. Even tho she is in that focused state, i still want her to have that overwhelmed feeling, really up against the odds type stuff.
Glad you like it mate, its always a pleasure to post here. 
There is some light, I had more light casting on her boot and robe, but after watching the movies I noticed in a lot of the lightsaber scenes they give off almost no coloured light, so I lowerd the settings, you can still see a bit reflected off her boot and on her leg and gloves a bit. I will maybe bump it up a bit tho, or play with the fall off a bit to extend the radius.
I think your right about the flatness of the BG, I think I could have more shadows on the ships right side, to help it look like it was lit by the planet. With that and either some glass or a forcefield, the background might look a bit better.
A Jedi-ett name, hmmmm, do you guys have any suggestions? I couldnt think of any, well, one, but it was mostly a joke name and in poor taste so I think i will keep that to myself. hehe 
Thanks man, you were the first person on all the forums to comment, and it was really nice to hear something good first off, thanks for that. 
The lightsaber glows are the XSI Glow property, but i wound up painting most of it in photoshop because the glow isnt very good and really goofs up at certain antles or if other geo comes across it, the glow can disapear in small bits or all together, not very trust worthy. Like the blocking blade, it was missing glow off the top eighth of the length.
Sometimes it works out good tho, like these renders of the blade extending ( i made the blade with shape animation so it can be animated to extend.
This lightsaber is what started the whole pic, and it was cranked out pretty fast (could use some scratches etc on the metal bits if it were viewd closeup.)

Thanks again for all the nice comments and good honest critiques, I will definatly try to improve this image and tweak it up a notch. If i come up with anything better I will definatly post an update, but after 3 days of little sleep, heaps of coffee, and particularly stylish mad scientist hair, i may take a little break first. 
Blend on, and blend well!!!