Fellbeast - LOTR

This project has been keeping me busy when I had absolutely nothing to do, or when i wanted that i had really nothing to do…
I’ve started it few years ago, i thenk when the LOTR movies where just out.
Anyways, here are some pics of it:
http://www.pichotel.com/pic/6694yU8eU/116034.png for an overview of the body
http://www.pichotel.com/pic/6694yU8eU/116040.png for a look at the topolgy of the head.

All textures are made with the Blender paint-tool in 2.43RC2, and some minor tweaks were done with the sculpt-tool.

I’m not completely satisfied with the look, i think it should look more “evil” :ba:

Comments and Critiques about the evil look, topology, and maybe how to get the wire to show good, please.

At first glance his neck looks too long and skinny for a movie style fell beast, and his head and jaw are too long. Take a close look at these pictures to get the proportions right: 1 2 3 To get your wire to display right, turn on Z-transp and set the offset to about .1. This is a great start though, wish I had enough organic modeling skills so I could start making some LOTR stuff…

I think your main problem is the textures. When you said ‘more evil’ I assume you mean ‘less cartoony,’ and you don’t even have a bump map let alone anything else. :stuck_out_tongue: Nice modeling, though.

Nice model over all, but I agree with BlackBoe. It looks like your model is Vertex Painted? Hint: Never a good idea. Except for minor color changes in the skin(only in high-res models).
Paint up some good bump maps, try starting wiht a basic cloudy procedural to start the skin color.

Keep it up.

He said right there, man

oh, ma bad, totally missed that, thanks :smiley:

Thank for the comments guys, especially Lord of the Rings Junkie. Those references are really usefull.
I see I also need to put more theeth in, but thats a bit of trouble 'cause of the UV’s I’ve already made. The tip about the wire-material was coming in handy too.

@BlackBoe, you’re right saying that I want make it less cartoony. After I edited the proportions it already looks a bit more evil, but the key is in the materials indeed.
I’m gonna try some voronoi-type of texture to make something that look like scales, a bit like in this image. (thanks LOTR junkie!!)

Any hints on the bump/normal map or texture?

I forgot to post the updated renders…

Hm, I’d invest in–well, to be specific, I’d invest in NOT using procedural textures, cause it really is a nice model, and it’d be a shame to hide it. Try hand-painting, first, and see how that works out.

The neck still looks too long, the head is getting better though.:slight_smile: Keep up the good work!

It is possible to have an UVmapped bumpmap? If so, how do i use one?
BTW: is there someone interested in making the rider of this beast?
I mean this guy:

Great work so far. Some comments/questions from me:

  • Why did you include the teeth in the UV map? I think they will be easier to have as separate objects parented to the body (/head).
  • BlackBoe: It would be interesting to get an orthographic profile view of the animal because I think it is difficult to judge whether the neck is too long with the perspective view that we’re seeing.
  • For interest sake: what is the dimensions of your UV map?

Well, you know how to unwrap UVs and assign them an image, right? Cause for a bump map all you do is make a black-and-white map, white is high, black is low. Assign ‘map input’ as UV, and assign ‘map to’ as ‘nor’ (normal) All these tabs can be found in the material subset of the shading button set.

You have no idea how interested I am, I just don’t know how yet.:frowning: Maybe I can find some armor tutorials…

[Edit] For decent reference shots though, anybody interested can look here.

The rider is called the Witch King of Angmar

Yes. Lord of the Nazgul, greatest of the nine.


  • The teeth are all seperate objects (which means that if I update the head, I got to reposition the teeth again, so i’m gonna skip that for a while :stuck_out_tongue: ).
  • I’m gonna make an ortho render and the UVmap in a few minutes, wait for the edit of this post
  • The texure is 2048 squared, so enough space for details.

About the UVmapped bumps, so it is possible to have multiple UVmaps? gotta check that out!

looks cool, cant wait till the textures are updated

Here we go again:
I updated the mouth, it has a tongue now. I was gonna add one, so why not now?

I made the neck shorter, i figured it should be about a bit bigger than the main body, this is how it turned out:
With this one, i’m really pleased with how the pink part of the mouth came out.
Can’t post the UVmap as I said before, 'cause a 2048x2048px image takes up about 2mb.

That bumpmap has yet to come. i’ve got to experiment with that first.

BTW: it is really satifying to see that people are interested in what i’m making, thanks a lot for that! :yes:

Loy: Dude, it’s possible to have UV mapped anything. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll take a hit at making the witch king for you but im not promising. I’m hoping for the best though:evilgrin:
and also the fellbeast looks really good(thats what its called right?)