Female character: Aarushi

I’ve modeled her upon the makehuman base model (http://makehuman.blogspot.com/) :


nice a… ahh forget it… :wink:

Looks awesome.

How to put this delicately …

First of all, the model has a very lifeless facial expression. Especially in the first picture, her eyes look like those of a zombie. Second, the “bra” (see below) in the second picture seems to be modeled very crudely, as there is a bend right above the right breast. Third, the hair looks like plastic.

But what I find appalling about this model is the sexism expressed in it: Everything from the pose (accentuating the chest, hips and behind) to the clothes (the bra would be completely non-functional in reality) seems to be designed to allure to the heterosexual male viewer.

Making this the mascot of MakeHuman results in the impression that MakeHuman’s makers are a bunch of horny, sexist males instead of serious developers. Perhaps that’s the desired effect; I doubt it, though.

Hi, i saw her on the makehuman homepage, my first impression was wow. One a second view some points:
The skin is to shiny (oily)
The face looks sad a little smile would help.
The pose is to extrem
I think we need a bigger render to have a look to the face more close.
I agree with Jonathan_S in some point of view but i think it is to extrem.
You post it in WIP because of critics and opinions of the comunity to make the best of it.
One example for a profession model cast:

Cheers, mib.

I think she has serious, serious spinal deformation issues. Downright distorted. Waist way too skinny given the spread of both the shoulders and hips, and she’d have to be pumping iron to get such inflated lats, but none of the rest of her shows any evidence of that. Does she normally walk around on extreme tiptoes? At least give her some stilettos.

And she looks so sad, but there’s no context for why that should be.

I got no probs with portraying the female form, but if you’re gonna render cheesecake, at least make it anatomically plausible cheesecake.

He use only the tools of makehuman because it is the upcoming standard model in makehuman.

Cheers, mib.

And don’t make cheesecake your new mascot: http://makehuman.blogspot.com/2011/09/aarushi.html Alternatively, if for some weird reason you think all potential MakeHuman users are desperately horny and best swayed by cheesecake, include male cheesecake as well. After all, it’s “MakeHuman”, not “MakeWoman”.

We will wait for the final effect. Hips is amazing.

It looks nice and all, though being in work in progress section it leaves me wondering if this is going be fore a animation game or just eye candy still shots.