Female Figure (nudity)

So I spent hours tweaking the mesh to put in the edge loops where they belonged, with not too much success, when I had somewhat of an epiphany: do the edge loops first. I started over again with landmarks and edgeloops, here’s what I’ve got so far.

And with a rib cage and pelvis.

could you perhaps post the mesh wires of the last pic please ? because it looks really nice now :wink: ^^

Absolutely, here they are:

The lower portions aren’t actually edge loops yet, just ribbons marking the location for edge loops.

:smiley: Interesting to see you modelling.

:rolleyes: You use this method to keep anatomically correct topology?

:eyebrowlift2: I am curious to see what it will give once rigged and animated :slight_smile:

Interesting approach. Consider keeping a version without the rest filled in, could make a nice sculptural work :wink:

You will need at least 2 additional face loops for the crotch … as there’s something between the legs, they don’t join in a fold :wink:

There’s already a number of faces in the shoulder area, but I don’t see a sign of the pectoralis running to the arm and no outline of the deltoid. Also check clavicles (collar bones). They can be felt under the skin quite well.
(image searches with these terms usually bring up a few useful pictures. It can be worth checking 2nd and 3d result pages)

@thorwil: You’re right about the crotch, I’ve got one loop there for the shape, I’ll put in additional loops later. I’ve got nothing on the arm yet (delts, pecs to humerus), but there is a loop for the clavicle. I’ll adjust it when I’ve got more shoulder to arm topology done. I’ve got a couple of early blends saved, partly because they look cool, partly as insurance in case I get hopelessly lost and want to move back to an earlier step.

@aws357: It’s for anatomically correct modeling. I noticed when I was working on the Swiss Mountain Dog, that anatomically correct edge loops allowed simple adjustments to the shape of the model.

For example, the clavicle thorwil mentioned. Depending on the pose, that bone may show more toward the neck, or more toward the point of the shoulder, or the whole bone outline may be visible. Since I’ve got that bone outlined with edges, I can easily select those edges and shift the bone.

I’m looking forward to rigging it, too, and I think any extra geometry required to avoid unsightly deformations should be pretty simple to add with the loop cut tool and minor tweaking. That’s the plan, anyway. We’ll see.

More updates

Her breasts look like they are supported from the arm pit instead of the chest. A vertical muscle needs to be included as mentioned above.
Her torso: She is long wasted, and the distance from waist down to legs, is also long. Nothing wrong with that at all, but that may be what is bugging some.
Also, in the front, the high point of the hip is, well, out a little far. Farther away from the center point than need be and also a bit high above the legs.
Hard to discribe, sorry.
Cut a section out at the waist. Cut her at the knees and pull the whole top section back.
When standing naturally, arms at side, the elbows fall behind or at the back plane.
Pelvic should be tipped forward and a little up, thus bringing the front waist in at the belly button and unswaing the lower spine. You can select the stomach/hips and rotate a little (a hair actually) to see what it does.
But as she is now, the stomach is appropriate for the sway back. When you sway your back like that it pushes the stomach out, not flatering really.
Who am I, nobody really, but I have studied the body a lot and done many paintings and drawings. I have just started modeling with my computer.
My first working lady, doesnt have such a high poly count as above and is kinda pointy. LOL. I had to cut mine at the knees and bring her forward.
I modeled her as fast as possible to get through the tut because I had spent a month on other software and could never get the vertices conected correctly. I got pretty good at making breast and shoulder blades though. LOL.
Anyway your lady looks great! Good job.

alright here i am again, too : )

some ofthe points i m going to say have been mentioned already but i hope you won t get angry if there s a repetition or two. alright, here we go:
the breasts: in my opinion their mesh is too dense. It is easier to modify them if the mesh is lighter because you have to move fewer vertices and you still have the smooth form because of the subsurf modifier. i ve also added a pic where you can see how, in my opinion, the arm pit area should look like. i was not sure when drawing that line because i have no idea how your upper arm will look like;)
i also think the loop i ve asked after in the front view should end somewhere near the collar bone and not somewhere around the shoulder…
the butt: there is place (also drawn in the attachment) where a edge loop should exist. to get there one i recommend you to use the ‘V’ botton to make there a hole and the fill it.
i won t tell anythink about the knee and leg area because there isn’t much yet :wink:
do you use any reference ? if yes, could you post it, please ? ^^
cheers :slight_smile:


could you also tell me whether my suggestions drawn on your attachement do any good to your work ? ^^ because it would be helpful for me when i ll reate my own tutorials :wink:
by the way: keep up the good work :)i like the way you model her as it is new for me. i was also glad to read that you will rig (and perhaps animate ? )her :wink:

I adjusted the pelvis and straightened up her back a bit, now the mesh doesn’t match my reference photo anymore and I am on the lookout for new references. Reduced the polys in the breast but added nipples, so that’s a wash. Did a bit of work on the delt, but without a reference, I have no idea what the upper arm will look like, either, so I’m holding off on any major work in that area (my previous reference photo, in addition to the awkward pose, had her arms at her sides.)

@relledom, the crits on the arm are probably premature, since I am not working there yet, and everything there is sort of a placeholder until I get around to working on the upper arm mesh. I do go back and read earlier posts, but as the threads get longer, I may miss a point or two from early posts, so repetition of something I’ve seemed to overlook is helpful.

hmm, if you say that you will work on the arm later, then i have no real crit at the moment.
i ll wait untill you made some more progress :wink:
why don t you use some reference from loomis or so ? he should have some poses you could use :wink:
keep up :slight_smile:

She is still tilted forward from the knees up. But the other tweaks look great.
Also, put just a bit of bend at the knee, it will help the overall view. Right now her knees are locked.
Just do an online search for nude paintings or drawings and use what you find the arms. Or look at clothing magazine adds for reference material or do a line drawing yourself to use.
Also, you could get books from the library showing muscle groups and how they move. That’s fun stuff to look at.

Dude, you have some frickin’ vicious poles in the hips, there.

Added a head, teeth and tongue, eyeballs, all are still separate objects while I fiddle with proportions. Right now she’s about 7 1/2 heads tall. Added arms and fiddled with the knees a bit, they aren’t quite as straight as before, but still look a bit awkward. I did get rid of most of the poles in the hip and upper leg.

I recall struggling with a drawing of a model’s legs for about 20 minutes or so, finally realizing that his legs looked odd because he was standing with his knees locked. As I looked up from my drawing to tell him he shouldn’t stand that way for extended periods (old military training), the timer signaling the model’s break went off, he tried to step off the modeling stand, fainted, and fell straight forward. He was unconsious when he hit the floor so he had a relatively soft landing, nothing broken or bruised.

I’ve got the day off tomorrow, I’ll probably spend some time on the arms and legs, attach the head, and maybe fill in the back and abdomen. The hands and feet will probably have to wait for another weekend.

lol, nice story…
back to business: the head you modelled looks really nice… perhaps some closer views ?
i m looking forward to seeing the improved limbs :slight_smile: because hte whole figure becomes very nice, so at the moment no crit
BTW: how long have you been working with blender ? because you seem to be pretty fast :wink:

I’ve had blender for a couple of years. At first it completely baffled me, and I spent about 6 months playing around with DAZ Studio to get familiar with 3D and animation. Well, that was fairly limiting, so eventually I turned back to blender, found this site, read the threads and lurked for a while before I took the plunge, signed up and started posting.

If you’ve seen mr_bomb’s Modeling the Female Head video tutorial, you’ll recognize the model in the background photo. I preordered, it arrived week before last, and I watched the whole thing after hours last week when I had access to a Mac. Unfortunately, my home computer isn’t capable of playing the latest codec, so I can’t follow along at home, but mr_bomb thoughtfully included references and blend files, so I borrowed the reference photos for this project.

I have in mind a method of quickly and accurately modeling heads and began testing it yesterday. After I got the initial loops in place I thought to try it with an actual reference photo to correct the proportions, and wound up taking it to fairly well completed (No eyes, no teeth, no tongue - they are generic meshes from another project).

So there is some influence by mr_bomb in the model, that I recall from watching the video: corners of the eye, modeling and attaching the ear, using the erase edge loop tool, tweaking with proportional editing… It’s a really good video tutorial. Money well spent, even if I have only watched it once. When he comes out with modeling the hand and modeling the foot, I’ll be one of the first in line.

I think you should try to change edge-flow to follow the cheek bones.

You mean like this?

This gives me a nice zygomatic arch, but I get a bunch of poles in the cheeks as a result.

[I just started using Firefox 2, and it’s complaining about my spelling. “thorwil” I understand not being in the dictionary, but “zygomatic”? What’s misspelled in “zygomatic”?]

zygomatic … ah, the bone.

More like this:

2 things to pay attention on: the round shape below the eyes, becoming apparent on broad smiles/grinning, and the line below the cheek bones, often being the edge of a dark area in non-diffuse lighting conditions.

Not 100% sure my edit really cuts it, as working this way, in 2d, is different.

Ah, like this.

There is a bit more geometry in the cheeks, two new edge loops to the chin and another to the eye, and another to the jawline under the ear. The pole, formerly on the point of the cheekbone, is now below it.

I think the cheek looks better now. There is also more geometry to tweak in the hollow of the cheek below the bone. Thanks, thorwil.