female (nudity)

i make a female for my zombie movie. i just what u guys to tell me if it good or bad or what do i need to add

Umm care to upload a render?

yeah without a picture its pretty hard to give you any feedback lol

how do i save a uv

Hi, in 2.49 use Python scr*pt “Save Uv layout” and in 2.56 goto UV/image editor and in menu UVs select “Export UV layout”.

P.S. oot, why I cant use in Post word scr*pt? :slight_smile:

i hate gimp =( i like photoshop better lol srry for takeing so long i had to start all over again because of my brother

help pls i try to make eyes i could not make them so i download some eye and i dont know how to add them the the mesh

Why are you not uploading images so that we can see your progress and help you better? It’s like “Here’s my drawing of a woman and I’m having problems, what do you think?” and I’m looking at a blank piece of paper. Remember, if you wish to have creative critiques, or help with something specific, images say far more than words.

the girl on the right (the black one lol) is the one i am coyping for the model i not going to make her look like that is it just base model. and the girl on the left (white one lol) that that how im try to get her to look like a lil

best suggestion to get the eyes lined up properly is to create the eyeballs first and position them so you have a ref for the eye socket. as for the two models i dont think you could have chosen two that are less alike lol. i would go with either one as a ref otherwise its going to conflict on the shape and size of the features

+( u right about the models thing . so i pick the one on the right =(.