Hello, i’m working on recreating the set from Stoic High School videos.
Why ? because they’re amazing !!
This wip will be more than that as i have a character to animate later in the scene, he will play a Fender telecaster i’m currently modeling on sketchup.
Here i recreated the Stoic High School band set upon youtube videos. Nothing quite difficult, and it’s still in blocking phase and i beggin to model everything little by little, and setting up the ambiance.
The character is an old model i made and rigged a few years ago.
All his equipment (guitar, amp, etc) were made recently.
I started to put foundations for the animation. Making some Actions to mix in NLA, such as headbang, hand strokes, foot taping, and tested a bit all of that in NLA. I have a lot of fun, but it’s a lot of work !
So, some screenshot of the frehsly made band set, plus the character and his equipment (which i’ll probably add to the band setup.) He will play telecaster soon.
It’s an Eeve rendering project, i have a few things to practice for that.
Well, see you later and thanks for reading. Feedback greatly appreciated.
You can compare the scene with the video in the link. Stoic High School
some progress in the project.
Drums is almost finished, plus some other models.
For the drums : circular array + vertical mirror. I didn’t just duplicate and resize one to make the other, as it would make deformation in the rim size (thickness). The circular array allows to resize the rim without deforming their thickness.
I made guitar effect box on the amp, nothing realistic for this model, just from the video as far as i could see it. The goal here is to make fan art, not hyper realistic.
I added lattice on cardboard masks to deform them a bit + tweaked some things there and there.
The cymbals stands are not finished neither.
I made Ayaka’s hat too, to add her presence in the scene, as i wont model the band members.
i imported the telecaster from sketchup.
Well, i remodeled some parts, but it’s a tedious task.
It’s triangulated in an uncontroled way, but shading is clean. The problem is for the beveling. That’s force me to remodel, becauese Alt +J doesn’t gives satisfying results (because in sketchup i didn’t modeled with quads, this is not how sketchup works.)
I think it is the last project where i try the sketchup to blender workflow. It has good potential, but this triangulation issue destroy hopes …
Well, let the images talk.
Hi again,
nothing spectacular tonight, just modeled a bit more the speaker and its stand.
You can see before/after screenshots.
May i’ll add summary details on the back of speaker, it is not necessary as we don’t see it, so it will be secondary or tertiary task for now.
Hope you like it, thanks for reading.
Hello, just a starting rough blocking of the kickdrum pedal.
Well, nothing special, i like to make this kind of blocking phase, doing it mentaly before starting real modeling. Especially for complex objects like that.
Hello, a little update.
After a few micro refinements in the blocking i started to model. Here is the first piece.
No bevel modifier, all by hand. That’s all for today.
Thanks for watching !
little update, modeling pieces. Some are still in blocking shape.
This is basicaly box + edge modeling by hand, with mirror and subsurf and bevel with ctrl+B. Sometimes solidify. No booleans, no add-on.
Thanks for watching !
i modeled a few more pieces and set up a quick render viewport with very basic shaders and 3 lights (spot , area, point + hdri). Remains a couple of pieces to model.
The render won’t be the focus on this model, it is made to be imported in the main scene.
I also set up a quick camera dome rig.
Place cameras to form a dome around abject to render.
Add 2 empties. One for the damped track to constraint (cube), and the other one (circle) for the transformation constraint.
On a camera set the 2 constraints as shown on screenshot, pointing to their respective empties. Then copy the constraints to other cameras.
Now when you scale the circle empty, all cameras move at same time and distance from the objet to render. Move the empty cube to adjust cameras focus point. Quick and handy for product rendering.
i’ve worked on the last “character” of the scene.
I imported the model i did in sketchup to finish it in blender.
I have a lot of remodeling to do, and i started some pieces.
This is the last time i use this sketchup to blender workflow, because it causes A LOT of extra work (mainly remodeling because of triangulation, and because also i don’t model the bevels in sketchup. I don’t have any plug ins too, so very curvy models are challenging in sketchup.
So here images of the state of project : some pieces have been remodeled, some not yet. It is a first “pass” for now, i will have a topology cleaning in a second pass.
This screenshots contains most of the remodeld parts.
In general, when you see triangles or strange topology, it is sketchup imported model as it, after Alt+J. Also Ngones on remodeled parts are used with intention, as this is hard surface without animation transformations. I use them wisely and with parcimony.
The body, i tried to produce a clean topology.
I tried to keep the strings holes in the body, so it creates a little mess. I don’t need that level of detail for my scene, i don’t know if i remove them or not. It is not finished, i have to manage to model the profiles curvatures.
Here the neck, as it is after import + Alt J, no remodeling yet. Sometimes Ctrl J produces good results, sometimes not.
I have to model the back joints to body and head.
May be the fretboard curvature is too much, i 'll have to check that before fixing modeling.
I redefined topology and geometry on body pieces too, remodeling the sketchup import bad geometry and removing Ngones, and using bevel mofifier, or bevel modeling by hand where needed.
And here is my FAILED attempt to model the profile of the body.
Because now it is like a telecaster style, but fender jazz bass has a profile, almost the same than a stratocaster.
I tried to model it by hand from the mesh i imported from sketchup, but as you can see, it destroys the overall shape and is no more accurate.
I need to find another approach to model these profiles. My actual topology is not very suitable.
May be with sculpt ? I don’t know, i need to figure that out.
I need to model that part of the neck too. The head junction. I’ve done it mentaly, it should be ok. It looks easy but it can be very tricky as there are many curvatures implied.
Then i started shaders.
All procedural, all use the same texture set up with different tweakings, a single noise texture.
That is the first approach, and will be enhanced as i go further in the project.
I will render that bass with cycles. I like evee, but Cycles is much more realistic.
The process created some messy topology around, so i’ll have to clean a bit, but the thing is there !
It starts to smell the end concerning this bass model
Brings me back, my first electric was a strat I still have today. Looks very nice, and super accurate. I can really appreciate the detail. The work above is top notch too. Looking forward to seeing more!
thanks, 53GA !
Today’s update : let there be frets !
Nothing particular, i made one fret, then duplicate it and resize them all by hand.
That’s all for today. Thanks for reading !