This is my first attempt at making a model in blender. So far I think that it looks pretty good. I look forward to your critiquing. I still need to straighten out the pollies a little so it looks more refined and the headlight area needs some adjusting.
Great start. Not much to say yet. Keep up the good work;)
Thanks for the comment. I have one question. I made the back separately from the rest of the car and now I want to join the two together. So I exported the back to .3ds format and tried to import it into the file with the rest of the body but it didn’t show up. So I separately imported both parts into a knew scene and that worked but when I tried the subsurf it doesn’t make a smooth surface and the pollies look randomly placed. Does anyone know what could have caused this? I am using the import and export functions built into Blender.
Here’s a pic to demonstrate the problem. You can see the ripples.
instead of exporting and importing, try appending from the scene.
to do this go into the scene with most of the parts, then go to file>append and go to either mesh or object choose the item you want and then click append and it will be transfered straight into blender and no artifacts
another thing you could do is select both objects and join them by pushing ctrl + J and then attach the verticies from both objects
Thanks for the the advice guys. Append worked like a charm. Now all I have to do is adjust the two parts so they mesh up properly.
I’ve completed the whole body and I’m now going over it with a fine toothed comb to make sure that everything is accurate. That way I wont have to make any major adjustments to it after I put all the detail in. I also have to eliminate as many triangular pollies as I can.
coming along nice that.
im impressed. Keep up the good work!
lol i made the attempt at the same exact car… seemed a bit hard for me
It was pretty tough at times to model all the complexities, so it probably wasn’t the best beginners car, but I love the F50 so I have a lot of inspiration behind building it unlike some of the more ideal beginners cars.
Just thought I’d give an update. I’m doing the details now. Some things still have to be adjusted so that the contours of the body are a little bit smoother. The pollies are there, I just have to adjust them so that they follow the curves more accurately.
i have the scale version of the car also, that wasnt the problem, its just the cars body itself isn’t an easy one to make
you know you can use the mirror modifier, it makes it much easier for you,
Thanks for that advice. I hadn’t discovered that feature yet. If only there was a feature that would automatically zip up the middle seem after I mirrored it.:eyebrowlift2:
Using the mirror modifier, As long as your center seam is touching (made easy by “do clipping”) your seam is automatically stitched together when you apply the mirror modifier to the mesh…
Make sure you have “do clipping” selected. This will keep the middle vertices from seperating, it will also make any other vertices moved to the center “stuck” there until you unselect do clipping and move the vert…
To be verbose:
Select your mesh. Make sure that the centre (little pink circle) lies along the centre line of the model.
If it doesn’t then LMB click on the centre line, zoom in until you get it very close. Select the ‘Mesh’ panel (little square with 4 verts at the corners), then hit ‘Centre Cursor’.
Now in the ‘Mesh’ panel you will see ‘Add Modifier’ that you used to add subsurf. Add a Mirror modifier.
Now if your mes is aligned correctly that should be it. If you get weird results try changing the ‘x’ in the Mirror float to ‘y’ or ‘z’. Hopefully this shoud fix the problem, if not you may have a burked axis on your mesh. Rotating it in editmode with all verts selected until you get the desired result should fix this.
You should notice all vertices close enough to the centre line will merge with their mirrored counterparts and the subsurf should flow smoothly. If not then move the centre verts until they snap and the subsurf goes smooth - it should be obvious.
The beauty of this technique is that you never actually need to apply the Mirror modifier to the mesh, unless you are doing in depth texturing, as it will render the same as a complete mesh!
Hope that clears up any problems you may have.
Some areas of your mesh could use some attention, there are closely bunched lines in areas that don’t want it, and not enough in areas that do. The former, combined with a lack of smoothness in these areas, is causing the ripples.
Good luck and nice start,
TheCarGuy, awesome model, but i was wondering where you got the reference images for the model, maybe you can show me the link if possible
I searched the web and found every image of it over 1024 by 768 res and I still don’t have enough. If anyone has a nice high res shot of the silver prancing horse emblem and could post it I would be very happy.:eyebrowlift2:
Here are the links to most of the reference images that I used.
High res and clear.
High res and clear.
Hit the back arrow to see several more. Nice closeup of the wheel and front lights.
High res, but slow.:no:
Mostly of other ferraris, but several nice high res and clear images of a yellow f50.
Appears to be modified in some way.
I hope nobody minds me posting something so esoterically useful.
You’ll be hard pushed to find a higher resolution logo than this, no?