Ferrari F599 Enzo concept. Updated. 8th June

New renders lower down this thread. New update 7th July '06.

My first modeling work for ages, been too busy to do anything recently, so here you go:-

A concept hibrid of my own design, borrowing heavily from the F599 & the Enzo cars.

More to come.


wow that graeat
perfect modelling
was that an ao render
by the way can i see an unsubserfed version of it?

Yes it’s a HDRI lit AO render with one specular spot light & one white reflector plane.

I’ll post a un-sub surfed version tonight.


ncie work good to see you back, the corner of the windscreen closest to us looks a little odd


Good to see you back here my friend, it’s been too long!

Car looks totally killer, I can’t wait to see it progress. My only crit so far is that the rims look a bit flat and dont contemplate the curves very much.

Materials also need work, but naturally, I’m sure they are temporary for modelling purposes.

Keep up the goodstuff!

Excellent start. Looking forward to updates.


Thanks my friends, it’s good to be back.

I’ve not had chance to do a quick screen grab of an un-subsurfed version, will do tonight.

The front bottom corner of the windscreen looks wrong due to the specular highlight. I’ll check the mesh is accurate though.

This will finally be rendered with Maxwell, so I’m not too fussed about the materials at the moment.

Rims are the one’s on my real car, but will do some Ferrari rims in due course.

Thanks for the feedback, it’s always appreciated. :smiley:



loving it so far, speically the little touches, i like the rear part where the is an arch formed from the bar/ body panel that strecthes from the near the lights…im not sure about the doors thought they look very curved, its your concept though :stuck_out_tongue:

but yea its looking awesome :slight_smile:

Few hours more modeling today.

Wire frames, un-smoothed.


Hey,great modelling!!..whats maxwell?
sheesh,there must be new modelling tools im unaware of.
nice to see you posting!:smiley:

how bout a great tutorial eh??
good modelling mate.

Damn, what a low rider that is! :stuck_out_tongue: Looks great so far sonix, no crits from me as of yet.

great work, good to see you working on a car again
looking forward to the next update


…whats maxwell?
maxwell is a different renderer


New Maxwell renders

Sorry for no updates for 2 weeks, I’ve been busy in a recording studio. (Hence no tutorial yet, but please keep asking. I will manage to write one for you all.) :wink:

Here we go, lots of work done. The exterior is 90% complete and the interior has seats and a dash board but nothing else yet.

More to come as I can get chance to work on it.

Comments and critisisms are greatly appreciated.

I hope you like. :wink:




This is very good nice everything this is just great

nice work man I love render 7

very nice but why is the glass grainy?

Excellent renders sonix.

Nice designt oo. Not too far from the current design, but just enough change to make it look like the next generation. Beautifully done.


Wow…can’t add anything to the above quotes, your modeling and finishing skills are 1st class!!

I didn’t leave them cooking for long enough. With Maxwell the noise/grain is refined and reduced, the longer it renders.

The grain present is because I had to stop some of the renders early. Of all the Maxwell materials, glass is still one of the materials that takes a long time to clear.

When I get round to the final renders, there will be no noise.

Thankyou very much for your comments.
