Ferrari LaFerrari Pre-Final Renders


Awesome! Could you post some wires?

How did u manage 4 min render ? Looks sick :slight_smile:

Could you make it a bit glossier? btw, where do you learn car modelling? It’s really good

The modelling looks superb. All it needs is HDR lighting, a background and you’re set! Well done.

With a good graphics card. Or more than one :stuck_out_tongue:

Although the modeling is great, it’s not entirely accurate. You model has a significant gap between the rear fender and the tire. As you can see in the link below, the real thing has nearly equal small gaps front and rear.

Official Ferrari LaFerrari site:

Accidental double post, please remove.

renders a bit to grainy but well done :slight_smile:

Very cool, your glass needs to be waaay more reflective, rest is awesome