i making a some kind of circus with games and a gigant wheel but i can made it work with the sits sorry my english i put here the .blend for any help thanks
Here’s a quick answer
first, place the vertices of the sits at the “real” center
Then still in edit mode move the all the vertices down in
order to put the axis in the top of the sits object.
Then add a Rigid Body Constraint and in the to Object: write the name of the axis object in this case the Cylinder one, that you must place correctly and parent to the wheel previously.
Is this clear?
I’m also interested in how this could be done … the above way didn’t work for me - constraints do not seem to affect anything in the GE?
The even more interesting question is how would this work with physics? … so the sits swing around as well when the wheel starts/stops moving.
EDIT: Just seen this thread (“Realtime Scale Demo”). So one needs at least 2.43RC2 for it to work.
I just tried out the stuff in the other thread and here’s what i came up with … it’s a very basic ferry wheel (very sparse geometry). Mind you that you need blender 2.43RC2 or higher in order for it to work.
Oto i will try doind your thing, but i´m not an expert in this area… i thought that was easyer to do…
thanks any way
It’s easy to do!
I’ll explain a bit more.
Place the vertices at the real center means that your sits object axis is
not in the center of the object
So, select the sits and in the Mesh Panel press the Centre New button
It’s done
Now…euh…your wheel it’s not perfectly round???
Anyway, make the sits Actor->Dynamic->Rigid Body in the Logic buttons
Now parent the Cylinder/Bar to the Wheel; select the cylinder than the Wheel do Alt-P to parent
Now select the sits and in the Object (F7) buttons add a Constraint and
choose Rigid Body Joint
Put the name of the object that will hold the sits, in this case Cylinder
It’s done
Probably some tweaking will be needed
Oto thanks it works perfect, i had to download the newer version of blender thanks