Ffmpeg bitrate control

When encoding with Ffmpeg, is there anyway to get the bitrate up to what’s going to be around the average from the beginning of the video? Generally, it takes around 1000 frames (encoding from PNG frames in my case) to get the bitrate fully up. The results are that the first part of my videos go from very low quality and gradually get better. This happens with all codecs. I’ve tried a bunch of stuff, but I’d like to here what others are doing.

If anyone else is interested in this, you need to add some code:

-bufsize 1835000 -b 9000k -minrate 9000k -maxrate 9000k

This will keep the bitrate very close to 9000kbs. The buffer size choice is because that what’s recommended as the DVD standard. The bitrate size is chosen because it gives enough room to fold in a AC3 file, and still have the file playable in DVD players. One warning though: this will produce huge files. I have a 6 minute 42 second long MPEG2 video that’s over 465 MBs.

wrote about this today in the wiki. but I dont remember. its something about prefetch or preread or pre something. search the wiki mpeg pre…oh yes, sequencer…preseek setting on strip properties. http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Manual/Using_VSE#Add_Movie_and_Image_.28Stills_or_Sequences.29