Fiarly new to blender, I have some questions.

First of all, when I’m using the sculpt mode, sometimes half my model is going IN when I paint without shift, the other half is going OUT (but not at the same time, like it was mirrored)
And I was also wondering how I mirror an object so it is perfectly aligned (like for faces) but when I edit one side the other side gets edited equally.

Thanks very much

I’m not exactly sure what you mean, but if it’s what I think it is, you might be able to fix it by pressing N to bring up the Sculpt Properties window, and making sure that none of the “Symmetry” buttons at the bottom are depressed. (Cheer them up a little :P)

And about your second question, if you go to the Modifiers panel and add a Mirror modifier, your object will be mirrored about the selected axis(es) according to the object’s median point (the little circle that shows up whenever you create a new model).

I hope this helps!

Welcome E.D.

Best place to start is here
As for your sculpting problem, the surface normals are not all in the same direction. Try this:

Tab into edit mode
In the Mesh Tools 1 Panel, click on “Draw Normals” Now you will have a small blue line coming out of the middle of the surface in the direction of the surface normal. Chances are, you mesh has som pointing in 1 direction, and some in the other. To solve this (it won’t reverse any sculpting already done), in edit mode, select all then press ctrl + n to recalculate normals outside. Now any sculpting will be performed in the same direction.

Best of Luck!

I’m sure I saw a tutorial somewhere, where you could mirror an object (like half a head) and then whatever changes you made to the first half automatically updated the second half :).

Thanks for the help guys,


Yes, you apply a mirror modifier.