Fiber problem

I’ve used Fiber before, but now, I can’t make it go on my machine.
I’ve followed the instructions as best I could (there needs to be an organized step-by-step for newbies rather than the 100s of semi-answers out there now at the top of this forum). So, here’s the problem:
“dynamic link library python20.dll could not be found at the specified path C:\progam Files\Blender Foundation\Blender-2.27 etc. etc.”
Hopefully this thread is not a pain to answer - the orignal thread on Fiber is becoming unwieldingly long.
Thanks so much

I should also mention I’m using Win2000, Blender 2.27, and Pyton 2.2… do I need 2.0 - this is what it seems to be asking for, but I though others were using 2.2…

I have the same problem…
Can’t make fiber plug in to work.

I’m using Fiber1.3 with Blender 2.27 and Python2.2.2; it seems to work alright except for the odd ZeroDivision error (not sure what is causing that - no duplicate vertices).

Are you using an earlier version of fiber? I believe RipSting posted an April … update, that is the script that you are using? eeshlo posted some advice also on the last page or two of that long post maybe check that out.
What Python2x.dll file is in your Blender_2.27 directory?

I’m using the newest 1.3 I believe (wouldn’t 1.4 have made more sense?)
Python 22 is in my Blender directory, but the error keeps asking for 20. No matter what I do, it keeps asking for 20. Must be part of the script itself. There must be an easier way to use this script (pythons in general in Blender). Maybe 2.28? Has anyone ever received the error I’m getting? What a mess.


After re-installing Blender, Fiber and Python, I’ve got it to start the GUI, but when I click ‘estimate faces’, I’m returned to the script, with nothing happening. The error went away after changing the locator (through “my computer” to 22s instead of 20’s (this hung me up since no tutorials have been updated to reflect this change). But that solved that. Now it’s just a matter of making it work. Anyone else unable to get beyond the GUI stage?

Usually I find that when the GUI crashes like that, it is because I forgot to vertex paint the mesh. Maybe that’s the problem.

Nope, the problem’s back. Still missing the 20dll according to Fiber. That same error as in my first post is killing me. I really want this script to work badly, but I’m afraid a win2000 machine using 2.27 simply won’t run the thing. I may have to go back to 2.26 (I’ve run it before and simply can’t understand why it won’t work anymore). Keep throwing those ideas my way though if you have any ideas!

OK another idea - did you move the dynoise.dll from the 2.26 directory (Where you unzipped the zipped file) to your Blender_2.27 directory?

Also are you trying to run the included blend file or make something from scratch?
I think you would get different error messages, but just thought that I would ask. I can’t see why Win2000 would be the problem. - what is that ‘Locator’ dealie that you talked about; is that something like setting your Python path?

BTW, Just for informational purposes, the gui will display ‘Current version 2.13’ and you’ll see in the text file display the version 1.3 and a variable called CurVersion = “2.13”

I am still getting errors. Here is my most recent on.

RipSting’s Fiber generator 1.3 running…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 146, in bevent
Createz(sldDensity.val, sldGravity.val, sldSegments.val, sldLength.val, sldW
idth.val, sldInit.val, sldRand.val, sldRloc.val, sldFollow.val, chkPointed.val)
File “”, line 179, in Createz
normal = renormal(multmat(mat,f.v[0]),multmat(mat,f.v[1]),multmat(mat,f.v[2]
IndexError: list index out of range

yes I did vertex paint the mesh. Yes I did have the mesh selected. Yes I do have dynoise.dll in the root blender directory and in the directory when I load the script from.