Good job, very well animated. Some minor pose glitches here and there, but nothing that can’t easily be fixed. I would love to see what will happen next.
there are many resources from you can learn buddy …the character has shape keys which are connected with bones… and it has no facial rig … just shape keys … and trust me… to animate with facial rig is way to hard then to animate with shape keys… you can get much freedom in facial rig but its hard to handle if you are not a experienced animator …
i m still learning animation and still lot more to learn and hope one day i will animate perfectly
thx… I’m in front of a big question, don’t know which method to use to my little short for the facial expressions… I heard Shape keys are easier to work with, but with face rigs, you can push your character’s emotions much further…
Could u post a few tuts about shape keys (for the face rig)?
ill post one tut whenever i get time buddy… right now m working on one rig
ill publish that rig as soon as i complete it … hope you guys will like that