Has anyone seen the opening scene of fightclub. The camera fly’s throug the neuron brains. does someone know a good tutorial for modeling and texturing neurons like in fight club???
you’d be lookin at the electron microscope tutorial.
The illusion of flying through would be just parenting the camera to a curve.
thx for the links. actually, modeling is my biggest problem… i don’t know how to start; should i work with curves or meshes or even metaballs? how do you decide wich is better?
I actually haven’t modelled anything in blender yet. So I’m probably not the best person to ask.
But that geneonme tutorial is very good. I’d start of with a sphere, then you might be able to extrude a face along a curve or something.
Then finally use a sculpt tool to dilinearise your model and give it an organic feel. ???
You could use any of those to make neurons. The only constraints are the final look you want to achieve, and whether the cells will be animated. Maybe to start try some deformed mesh spheres for the cell bodies, and stick some beveled curves in them for the dendrites (branches). You could also extrude the dendrites from faces on the cell body. Search the forum for threads about making trees, the techniques will be similar. Finally, for the scene you’re proposing, I think texturing and lighting are going to be just as important as the modeling.
[edit] wrong thread sorry