File error after play gamemode once

I don’t know why I keep getting this error with this file when I play it in gamemode. When I remove the link of the Actuators Action in the Logic panel and try again… Everything seen ok. PLEASE HELP! I’m using Blender 2.43

Sorry ! link gives error

I reload it… Try again.

Sorry : I cannot fix the error :
I found the message “MemoryBlock Free : Pointer not in MemList”
may be someone who knows more can look into it
There was a 1 double vertex. GE dosen’t support and gives errro. I remove it . Then also the error came.

I have no “errors” under Linux?!
Anyway, Envelopes don’t work in the Game Engine! You can disable the button
And the armature have a quite weird setup, in my opinion

So do you have a better armature setup tutorial to share?

Hello again
sure, here, I’ve some tuts, old, outdated…maybe useful:
But there’s some more around here, more “modern”, just make a site search!
Let the armature control the character( no box). Select the character mesh and disable “collision” in face select mode for all faces. Add a material.
Select armature, enable Actor, Dynamic, enable “bounds-Convex hull polytope”.
It’s a basic one but should work well.
All this dependant of on your GE engine knowing level and “demo” goals of

Is this error on my part or is it the blender software? Anyway, I removed all ‘Constraint’ in the Armature and there is no problem but than my character won’t walk properly. OTO! did you try controlling my character to move around before you exit out of the gamemode? Sometimes you need to at least go to gamemode twice before the error will pop out.

OTO ! I tried your armature… still the same problem… I am I going to do…:mad: In order to not have the problem I have to not have armature animated or remove all constraint…

sorry for the delay…
Try this file, the armature works ( 4Mb):

control the character with arrow keys

Hi OTO! Thanks man! Did you animate all the bones one by one? I just don’t get what is wrong with my armature setup. sian…