File Output node missing Z-Depth

Hi. I need to save segments of my composition in OpenEXR with the propper z-depth information.
The file output saves a black channel, no metter I activate Z-Depth options in the OpenEXR propperties in the sidebar.

Is this a bug?

It does seem to be kind of a bug, since the file output node does not seem to provide a Z-Depth input when you select OpenEXR as the file type.

One workaround is to select “Multilayer EXR”, which is the same format, but when used in the File Output node it will give you full control over what layers to include. Then make sure you plug in a Z-Depth input.

Alternatively, you can also use OpenEXR as your main file output type in the output properties of your scene.

Multilayer EXR also does not provide a default Z-Depth input. You can manualy add one, but other programs will not naturally recongnize it.