file .TOD (JVC caamcoder) can't open in Video Sequence Editor.

i need speed help…
mi file is original TOD recoder from jvc camcoder but i cant open file tod in Video Sequence Editor. there is an error “The selected file is not a movie or FFMPEG support not compiled” but i opened video player with vlc and smplayer , works as perfect … also kdenlvie works perfect…
i did convert from tod to mpeg command:
ffmpeg -i MOV001.TOD -acodec copy -vcodec copy MOV001.mpeg

i open blender with file mpeg BUT SAME ERROR CANT OPEN FILE…:eek::eek::eek::eek: WHY DOESNT WORK…? THERE IS RESOLVED THIS PROBLEM?

.tod files are .mpg so a rename works without need for conversion with FFMPEG.

But your blender version needs FFMPEG compiled in and it hasn’t by the sounds of it.

Did you search BA, you’d find the same question asked many times and probably resolve your problem ‘quicker’ than waiting for an answer. :slight_smile:

Download MPEG Streamclip and convert it into a non-mpeg format, like a Quicktime movie with a Photo-Jpeg compression.