File wont open.

The village4.blend file wont open for me in 2.48a. It just crashes the program.
When ran from the terminal it gives the following error:
blender: brw_vtbl.c:98: brw_new_batch: Assertion `!brw->no_batch_wrap’ failed.

“village3” opens fine, but if i edit it, save it the open it again it crashes blender in the same way that “village4” does.

“Village4” does open in 2.45 but shows nothing.
And “village3” crashes blender in the same way like “village4”.

P.S. running on Linux, and reinstalled 2.48a and it didn’t help.
P.P.S I’ve put it this in modeling because there wasn’t a general help part.

Any help would be most appreciated.


Village3.blend (200 KB)Village4.blend (210 KB)

Blender crashes right after you open the files and works fine with other .blend files?

I tried both files on Blender 2.48 (under Windows) and got no errors whatsoever.

I edited “Village3” (extruded a few edges), saved it and reopened it without a problem and in “Village4” I can see a townscape and a lamp.

I don’t know then.
I just tried it on my windows install and the same thing happened to me again.
I’ll try and reinstall 2.48 on windows and try it again.

Oh, and yeah it works fine other wise, i cant even append the objects into another file.