When I select 3 faces and choose dissolve faces or press F to fill the faces, it merges all 3 faces but one of the vertex stays out of merge. This completely brakes the geometry. It does not work properly even I select all included vertex instead of faces, one vertex is always out of merge. Is this bug or I miss something?
Make sure there are incorrectly created edges.
It is default cylinder mesh, nothing created manually, selected 3 neighbouring faces via face edit mode, pressing X or right click and choose Dissolve Faces with no additional option.
Sorry, I don’t think I saw the image in detail.
The modeling is not connected to the edges.
Select Vertex and cut the edge with J key.
※ The mesh is not displayed properly because there is no edge to match the curvature of the modeling.
why does it happen? I start with standard cylinder with 24 faces and then select 3 faces and dissolve them into one. Why previously correct edge brakes on one side when all other edges are intact? Why I have to make manual cut the edge correction after? Isn’t it a bug?
If you provide an example blend file where the faces are only selected and and dissolve would lead to this then maybe someone could tell ?
Usually, the F key is used to fill the face.
However, one of the F key features also has the ability to erase the selected edges.
Select multiple faces and use the F key to erase the edges inside them.
Maybe it’s the result of an incorrect manipulation.
Same happens with Fill too, does not matter wether I use dissolve or fill. Still the same result. I will post blend file, it is easy to reproduce
Please attach the blender file that has a problem.
I am new user so my file uploading is forbidden.
So I need at least 10 messages to start upload files
It may be possible to attach the link after uploading it outside. (Not accurate)
IN general, it is just stadnard cylinder with 24 vertices. I switch to face edit mode than select 3 faces neighbouring faces and dissolve that into one. Then I select another 3 neighbouring on opposite side of cylinder and merge them via fill.
Then I scale front and back circle face, one to make it smaller and another to make it larger. This helps the bug stands out
It is the same as described above.
Select Vertex and press the J key(Connect Vertex Path) to create an edge that connects the Vertex.
This is simply a lack of understanding of modeling.
Thank you. So I do not understand modelling. But no1 is able to explain why Dissolve or Fill operation works for 7 vertices out of 8 on 3 complete faces properly selected (including all 8 vertices).
So I connected Vertex path between two pairs of disconnected vertices but then my merged face consisted from 3 faces are back to 3 separate faces as they were before dissolve or fill
step - connect vertex path for two selected vertices
step - connect vertex path for two selected vertices
Result is that I negated step 2 and arrived back to beginning (step 1)
This is what I need to get somehow. Cylinder with two types of faces, one large and one short., But it should be done without disconnect any vertices and losing rounded shape of cylinder