Film quality

What does one need to have make someone’s images film quality?

click the HD button in the Output format panel.

To clarify:

Buttons Window Type>Scene Context>FORMAT Panel

NOT the Output panel.

No offence Roger, but there’s an Output panel AND a separate Format panel.

I got a bit confused so I just thought I’d clarify that for him. :slight_smile:

No I’m talking about techincally. What bit color and resolution etc does it need to be for film

stingslang, to be properly technical you’d have to specify what format of film you were working with. for example 16mm is smaller than 35mm, so the resolution isn’t going to be the same. what i’ve heard in the past was that most fx work for movies is done at 4k resolution. but you can get away with less; the first “Toy Story” movie was only 2k i believe.

where I worked we did digital effects at 2k or 4k resolution, those are the standard importing sizes for the film scanners. and we rarely did 4k because it was slower and generally a lot more expensive (also render are like 2.5X longer). 1080P is definitely sufficient for 16mm film, and even miniDV looks decent blown up on 35mm film (depending on stock) and that resolution is 720x480. a few tips: whatever you do, render your film at 29 or 30 frames per second. even if outputting for film it is always easier to convert 30 fps to 24 fps for film rather than the other way around, you will get motion artifacts etc otherwise.

oh…and another thing…don’t output to JPG. :slight_smile:

If you want film quality, shoot for uncompressed video (or very light compression). If you are doing post production, you’re better off exporting to TIFF, !!OpenEXR!!, or some other high fidelity format (like OpenEXR :wink: ).