Not totally familiar with Final Fantasy, but from what I can gather, this is just an RPG-level-based fighting game like Street Fighter and its kin? But in three dimensions instead of 2D/2.5D?
Almost everything is custom coded and animated. For the most part, when you look at a game, everything you see is custom-made. Models, animations, scripts, systems, HUD/GUI icons, menu buttons, etc.
I have a few Blender examples of cameras that follow a midpoint between two fighters, if that would help.
The main thing about final fantasy games is they’re turn based RPGs they really aren’t actually that unique underneath even if certain fanbois will try to paint it differently. The only thing they’ve done different is the art style, battle animations ( which is part of the appea of the series I think ) and extremely detailed cinematics.
If you remember Final Fantasy 10 they had special moves you could execute in quick time events and basically all that would be is a keyboard or some kind of button click sequence attached to a timer ( of which we have a logic brick for as I remember! ) so if the timer goes out before you finish you can’t finish the move but if it does you get a very fancy animation playing out in front of you.
There really isn’t much to games like Final Fantasy aside from the big database of items that you’ll have to deal with and the mesh replacement involved with equipping it all, but yes as others have said, it will involve a lot of custom animations, meshes and HUDs.
Oh well in that case, same thing but in real time lol not much to it really all down to fancy animations, actually serious point, you’re going to need some good animation skills if you intend to make a fighting game and an understanding of how the body moves.
You are asking something too fundamental, Monster. Haha, I have never ever coded in my life except a few CSS and HTML, nothing about games and animation except some quick flash touch…so i am using this game practice myself making a full game, with emphasis on animation.
So yes, this game will be a fan game, As said here [QUOTE:Lethn]The main thing about final fantasy games is they’re turn based RPGs they really aren’t actually that unique underneath even if certain fanbois will try to paint it differently.[/QUOTE]
And i will be borrowing a few basic (maybe a lot more) basic engine implemented there.
It won’t be final fantasy fortunately, i’ll have major breakdown if i choose that one.
Any idea where should i start?
I was pointed into writing game design document to schedule all my requirements…
If you genuinely have no skill set the game may actually be too tricky for you, animation takes a LOT of patience especially in 3D, believe me I know, I’ve done a run cycle for the first time, got it working alright but now I want to do all sorts of other stuff and model some hands. Doing repeating cycles can be particularly annoying to get right because on top of doing it over twice you have to make sure the frames are set in the same positions twice so when you playback the animation it doesn’t snap or twitch when the character or object is moving.
You’re going to have to go through a ton of modelling tutorials first before you can think about doing full characters and a good knowledge of anatomy will be very helpful I’ve been studying drawing and anatomy while I’ve been doing this so it’s actually helped me a lot with modelling characters.
If you go for this with no skillset you’ll just disappoint and frustrate yourself because you won’t know how anything works.
I’ve made an web search for that game, watch 10 seconds of a video…
Ah, ah, you’re a funny person…
Well, if you insist, try just one of the “FX effects”, maybe…ah, ah…
Be brave!
Well, that is exactly the point i want to start a project anyway.
I’ll probably suck at lots of things, from animation, modelling even programming.
But i had a friend who now works at bandai games, and although he had school (which doesn’t pay much despite its skyhigh pricing), it is his years of self study during his unemployment that paid off.
So yes, i’ll do lots of ugly things once i can set up all the uh… design checkpoints, but i intend to make one simple fan games
for my first long term project…