Final Takeoff

Hi everyone!

This is my entry for the “Humster 3D Car Render Challenge 2016” (

Here is the link to my entry:

Most part of the scene I modeled on my own in Blender. The trees were generated using the Blender addon “The Grove 3D” and for the grass I used “The Grass Essentials”. For the stones and branches on the ground I used assets from the Megascans library. For the people I used MakeHuman models as base mesh. I used the “Trabant 500/600” as reference for the car. It took me about 40 hours to finish, over a duration of ca. 7 days. The concept and scene blockout I did a few weeks earlier.

The Sketchfab version below is a decimated model with baked textures.

Here you find more images and infos:


1 Like

Really nice. Bravo !

I like the almost steam punk feel of the car, and the nice composition - well done!

This is great! One of my favourites in the competition!

I can say nothing but WOW…it’s awesome