as for health its a weird condition, you can be 100% fit and healthy yet have this condition. that is my case. i’m totally healthy in every respect except for this electrical problem with my heart.
as for being OK, well i guess i’m not becasue i havn’t yet had anythign done about it.
i might get an operation to stop it in the future which would perminently stop this from happening again. but i havn’t researched that yet so don’t know if its gonna be good or bad.
the only reason i rang the ambulance was to do somthing about it, i wanted to get diagnosed finally. my doctor had already told me thats what she thought it was, but it was never official, so this time i figured that rather than ignoring it, i may as well catch it while it was happening, now that i have caught it i have ECG readings and stuff proving what was going on.
so i already knew the name of the condition etc… but it was never finalised.
it also gets me a fast track into the cardiology department and waiting lists at the hospital. it also ends up saving the government money.
instead of a cadiologyst, nurses, doctors, a treadmill test, and possibly not even finding out what happend costing $1000
an ambulance trip, 2 nurses and a doctor seeing me for a few mins while its garenteed to happen, only would have cost the government a few hundred dollars rather than a thousand.
it also speeds up the entire process through the health system.
rather than waiting for 5 months for a diagnosis, i waited only a few weeks for another attack. and now all i need to wait for is the consultation to give me the options of what to do about the condition.
wether i get a non-invasive surgery or not, or wether i take drugs, or do nothing about it.
(yes doctors/ cardiologists often say not to do anythign about it, and to just live with it)
if you heart beats heaps faster than the usual person’s, does that mean you will be heaps fitter than the average person, too?
There could be a good side.
240+ BPM?!!?! 4 BPS?!!???! Bloody hell that’s fast. Well at least you know the deal now, and now you just have to find out your options and decide what to do. Good luck anyway.
i have a high heart rate sometimes (about 162) my doc says its fine cos my blood pressure is perfect. and my heart sometime skips beets randomly which is weird but the doc says that fine too.
BUT 240 !!! thats nuts when my hearts going 160 it feals like its gonna jump out of my chest what does it feal like for you!!!
ok with you and a 160 heart beat, and skipping beats i owuldn’t even listen to your doctor on it.
get in to see a cardiologist. 160 is about the highest SAFE heartrate, but its still very fast.
when i was in the ambulance the LOWEST heartrate i had was about 170. in the hospital it was 180 constantly.
its rather funny becasue i feel 100% fine when my heartrate is at that speed HA HA HA, well compared to 240+ LOL.
but skipping beats is a bit of a worry, i don’t normally skip beats.
but yeah it feels tight, and as if its gonna jump out of your chest, you can count your heartbeat by just feeling it through your entire body, you don’t need to find a vein or anything
whoa… that’s pretty scary, i’m glad you’re ok. though i must admit at first (in my ignorance) the super high heart rate seemed like a good thing. i just figured, hey blood moves faster, oxygen gets to your muscles faster, therefore you should be super powerful :D. i understand now that i was wrong, but seriously, at first i just pictured you lifting up cars and jumping from rooftop to rooftop. but if you don’t have super powers, at least you aren’t dead so it isn’t all bad