Find if vertex exists at coordinates

I have coordinates (XYZ) and I want to find if a vertex exists at that position.
I was able to get all positions of vertices from my object, but I have not been able to find the vertex in the vertex list. (The vertex is in my model, and in the correct position)

Is there a better way to get positions of all vertices in my object, or a better way to search through the list?

My code:

import bpy
import bmesh

ob = bpy.context.active_object
v =[0].co

iloc = 0
for i in
    mushroom =[iloc].co
    if "<Vector (-0.3750, -1.800, 5.2441)>" == mushroom:
    iloc += 1

you’d be lucky if this works at all due to floating point imprecision- you’re checking if the x coordinate is -0.3750 but what if it’s actually -0.375000001? your condition would fail.

better to build a kdtree, then do a search within whatever distance threshold you care about.