Find the references in Elephants Dream? (May contain spoilers)

Hi, I bet you all have read the long list of references to other movies in Elephants-Dream? Now to the question… can we find them all? If you find a ref that nobody has mentioned, add it and explain where you can see it.

Number of views of the movie: 10

Amount references found:
1 - Saw: The complete room where Emo is walking in to the “trap” is modelled from the head-scene in Saw

2 - Matrix (Isn’t in Tons list, but I bet it should be there): First of, when the got to the end of the bridge with the birds, you easely hear the electronic sound from Matrix when the cammera goes down on Proog. The second thing is the phone. The phone and the ringing got classic Matrix style over it, but it might be just me that thinks so.

Fill it up everybody!

Wild Zero?

Trash and chaossss!!! ROCK’N’ROLLLLL!!!

But no… I have no idea what the reference could be.

Akira - when Emo tastes the power he has and goes mad and of course the tentacles all over the place.

matrix - the phone scene

Will have to watch the movie again to find other references. This should be fun :slight_smile:

* potential spoilers etc, but nothing that’s not said in the making of/commentary *

While i guess you can definitely draw similarities, it’s not actually an intended reference. The whole phone idea came from the concept that all of Proog’s traps would be based on communication devices (i.e. in Proog’s world, communication is the thing to be feared the most). The telephones (and switchboard, projector, etc) all sprung naturally and independently. The voices in the running/wires are representing Proog’s paranoia - the things that he must run from, through his traps, in order to be safe. More on this here in Jan’s blog post.

Sago: If you’ve got the DVD you may want to look through all the production files and see if they contain any mention of our computers’ names :slight_smile:

Sorry, don’t have the DVD. I’ll go stand in the corner now…

But I can surely give it a try:

Basse - basswolf -duh-
@ndy - drum wolf
Bassam - guitar wolf
Broken - Ace
LohnC - Tobio (or maybe that bad guy with wig in extremely tight and small shorts)

the first time I watched ED, when I saw the flipping path in the beginning, I thought about how it resembled the way that the path rotated for Mal to leave the backup broadcaster after the big fight scene between Mal & Coda toward the end of Serenity… Then I saw the orange post and saw that Serenity was one of the movies listed :slight_smile:

The weird lankiness and thinness of the characters seems kind of based on Corpse Bride

it’s mostly about my fear of telephones.
you never really know what they are up to, and many times, they bring you bad news.

in this case, they are voice from the other side.

but, yes I can see what you mean.


basse, I’ll have to say that the phone was bringin’ some bad news, but just if you put your ear too close (Just like in real life)

Well, now we know that the Matrix stuff wasn’t intended to be there. Stupid me >_<

well, who’s to say it wasn’t an unconcious influence…
there’s also this short story about a guy who goes running, and as he runs he hears phones ringing, and feels like someone he is avoiding to talk with is “chasing” him trying to call him on the phone. finally, he goes into a house (not his own) and just answers the phone. Of course, it’s for him, and he has a very weird conversation.
that was a bit of an influence.

Maybe Proog saw the Matrix? and helped his absolute paranoid personality? =P

It would seem to me that the whole film is a reference to Forbidden Planet - I wonder why it isn’t on the list.

Brazil - Some of the technology can be seen, i.e. the typewriter machine, etc.

(a very good movie btw)

I think the telephone room scene looks a bit like a photo Matt/broken posted on his set of photos. The photos I’m referring to are:



ah, never mind…