Hi im trying to learn more about procedural specially about the math and manipulating coordinate in texture.
Is there any good resource for that?
Thank you
I wish there was a single resource. The parts I know, I got from many different places over the years and from experimenting.
The one thing you should know for sure is the very basics, what each coordinate type does. That part isn’t that hard to find tutorials for.
Past that, if there is a course that’s easy to follow and has a difficulty that scales at a good rate, I would like to know. Apart from that, I can only suggest watching a variety of tutorials about procedural materials and pick wathever tricks you can over time.
signed distance field math is very helpful,
signed_distance_ui_stuff.blend (632.3 KB)
this uses snap math.
Thank you for this, but I already know the differences about texture coordinate, im trying to learn more about manipulating the coordinate with math.
And Im planning to take course from joakim tornhill in udemy, there people recommending me about his channel called blender insight and I found this too.
Thank you will check this later
The Book of Shaders is a bit more glsl oriented, but has good information about math, coordinates, and different types of procedural textures.
Thank you, Currently im learning opengl too so it a great resources for me