Hello ppls! Yesterday I finally got Python working, so I gave 3DS Converter a try, and after retexturing, came up with these!
There are 4 different pics, and I’m hoping to host them on BlenderWar’s Model section
The first is by Burningham Studios, it is the original version they had.
The second is my converted, and retextured version.
Third is a Pit Droid by Staffan Norling. I’ve already converted it and retextured it. I’ve got his permission to host the .blend if I get to BlenderWar’s Models section.
Fourth is a Nuna, by JC (Jarno Cordia). Unfortunately, he did not include textures for the Nuna, so I had to make textures for him.
I am currently in the process of getting permision, and once I’ve done that, I’ll see if I can get these on BlenderWars.
Anyway, have fun staring!
Stephen Merity, [email protected]