[Finished] ~Govel~ -blend/script inside

Finished as far as im concerned
I made this “game” about 1 year ago and thought i’d give it to the blender community

It has a charge script in it so if you click and hold the speed of the object shot is increased.

The controls are WASD and the Mouse for movement
Press N to add an enemy.

lol i wasn’t so good

Have fun :slight_smile:


btw anyone have a real name for this game…i kinda just made it up :slight_smile:

That’s actually quite impressive. Has a lot in there to learn from. How did you do the IK for the legs? I understand normal IK constraints don’t work in the GE.

Ummm the picture up there is a render not from the ge…but u probably knew that.
Actually the ik constraints/rigging are really bad in this blend. I tried to animate it earlier today and it was pretty frustrating to work with.
I dont see how ik constraints would be useful in the ge?
inform me :slight_smile:

or i just dont understand ur question…lol

When I moved the foot of the character around, the whole leg moved - that’s IK (but you knew that). I understood that IK doesn’t work in the GE. Something I read in The Games Kit (or something like that) although this was some time ago. IK would be very useful I think, but I’m more of an animator than a games maker.

Bone constraints have worked in the GE for a long time. What didn’t work until recently was external targets for bone constraints. Benoit (I think) added the ability to use external targets for bone constraints in the GE. If you search for it, there is a vimeo video where he is showing it off with IK.