cool. u should try to go for a scaly texture for the head.
have u read the fire tutorial in the blender manual? that or other tutorials easily searched for might give you a better fire. it looks a little fake now, but keep workin’ at it.
imanewbielikewhoa: Thanks for your response! I’ll keep working on getting a nicer fire effect and a scaly texture for the skin. For now though I changed the fire to a poison gas. (After all, poison gas is a green dragon’s main breath weapon in ad&d!) 3 new pics are posted in my blender folder of the new version.
The head and eyelids kind of look scaly now. I used a fractal subdivide and set it on 15. There’s some minor pitting on the skin now though, hopefully I’ll be able to tweak it out. 2 new pics of my now scalyish dragon head posted at
fez. : I’ll see what I can do about those sharp edges, and thanks!