Fire/Smoke Jet

Something I wanted to share with the community:

if that doesnt work, try this:

have fun!

Neither link works…


Yes. But dont’ give it up. Try another servers… :wink:

sigh…ok…ill try my account…

edit: seems to work. well, it worked for me…

Yup, that one works…
Nice effect, good idea hiding the lights inside.
Could be refined, for one there are way too many particles, I rendered it on Tuhopuu and it gave the time for one of the main frames as 2:16:52, that’s on a 2ghz with 512mb.
Still, v.nice idea.

(Keep it up) :smiley: :smiley:

actually, i find that this amount of particles is needed, to ad enough detail. however, if you find stuff that i could have done better, please specify, id be glad to improve it! 8)

less particles - better textures…or higher detail…

best way for a good result plus good rendertimes :slight_smile:

isince this is kondof opensource now, everyone can tweak it to their liking! show me what you can do! :wink: