Firefly - Serenity - WIP

I had to post something to prove to myself that I’m not lazy…
I got the file size down to a respectable 65 megs (so far) without sacrificing, still more to do…so I’m gonna get back to it.

Yes. I will offer to store a downloadable copy. I have both plenty space and bandwidth I will set aside for it. And in case anyone wonders, two reasons: I *"¤#"¤ love that series (a chunk of my heart will be missing until the day Serenity sails the Verse again…), and I am in the process of creating a site for the free provision of Blender models (etc.) for creating fan art and videos. I hope to boost the availability of fan productions and bring a lot of added attention to Blender as a tool for that, both in one swoop.

GAWD that is one goram sweet bird you are making, there…

oh its getting close to texture time…

Sorry I haven’t posted anything in awhile, I know some of you want to get your hands on the .blend file of this thing, I’m trying to oblige as quickly as I can. I’m just trying to get everything just right. If you see any glaring errors in the model, believe me I know they are there. I’m just limited to what I can do without certain tools (that Blender doesn’t have…yet? BMesh might solve that - can’t wait)

I’ve been working on a couple other projects and schools so I haven’t had a lot of free time to work on her, but here’s some new renders of Serenity, as she stands (sorry about page load times if it’s a problem, by the way, I haven’t been making thumbnails, but I should)…

That ones a couple hours old this one just got done…

A few changes nothing major.

The plating has given me trouble, but I’m working through that. A couple more hours that (the plating) will be done. Right now I have three areas of concern…I’m just gonna put them out there and see if anyone can help.

  1. I have to finish the galley/dome. That I’m having the most trouble with. I need to “stencil” a form ontop of the dome and use that to make the “ring” that goes around the galley area on the exterior. Retopo won’t work, the vertices seem to slip and are very random instead of having the same topology. Big problem for me, I can’t cut into that section and make the form that way so…

Same area different problem. I have to get the distinctive six sided windows carved into the top too, and let me tell you, Blenders boolean is…well, you know, it’s horrendous. So I have that to contend with also.

  1. Lights - I need to get the distinctive glow out of the Gravity Ring and the Ion chambers. The ring can be done with some type of default light - I just don’t know which one, every one I’ve tried has given a weird effect on the hull, not the kind of thing I’m looking for. Any suggestions? The Ion chamber wash (that cool “jetwash”) I know has to be done with particles, but what kind of settings should I be using for that effect, plus I’d like them to “flow”.

I can do modeling but I’m novice at best on the other stuff…

  1. Rigging - the gravity ring needs to spin (done with an IPO curve of some type I’m sure), the rear flaps have to open/close simultaneously, I don’t know how to do that with out switching the centers of the flaps, so any advice there would be appreciated also. And the landing legs also, but I’m not done modeling that yet (they are complicated). Oh and the wing engines have to rotate…

So there’s my laundry list, alot to do…
Before I go ,any of the Blender team, nothing but love for you guys/gals,but… PLEASE for the love of Pete, consider serious work on the boolean system. Perhaps a few new tools (stencil/drill, maybe a better bevel tool, maybe with an extrude option? 2.5? Please. If I could program better than a circus chimp I’d try but alas, no…)
Sorry for rambling,y’all

Great model and I hope you can resolve those issues. Your last render shows some sort of glitch on the dome. Might just be a rendering artefact or there is an edge that runs astray.
About the bevel have you tried the new bevel modifier? It is a lot better and works much nicer plus it is non destructive.
Yeah stencil and drill sound like cool features but I wouldn’t count on them getting in there befor BMesh editing is done.
Maybe add them to as new ideas.

Love it! Are there any Firefly fan films? With a cult that strong and a series cut that short you would think so. Havent read the rest of the thread, but I’d consider it if you hadn’t…

this is awesome! keep it up!

There is a trailer for “Mosquito” (but “Mosquito” itself doesn’t exist).

This is just beautiful!

I have the movie DVD, never saw the series (Canadian, no cable TV) but loved the movie, and this just looks like it!

Extraordinary great work!
Good thing I can type because my jaw hit the floor :slight_smile:

Looking great, fantastic attention to detail.

You could use an armature to open/close the doors. A single bone would be fine, this would mean you wouldn’t have to reset the center. Can do the same for the engines :smiley:

That’s just ruttin’ astounding, Trager!

Okay, that does it! I’m gonna get serious about learning this software!

A few years back, when I owned a PC, I used to make spacecraft add-ons for the freeware Orbiter simulator, and subs for the Virtual Sailor sim, all using Anim8or ('cause it was simple to learn… and free!)

Then I ditched my PC and went back to Mac. Only free 3D prog being Blender.

I’d always been impressed at how Blender had an interface that looked as professional as LightWave & 3DS Max, but terrified to learn all that!

Now that I see just what kind of insane detail you can create with it, I think it’s time to work through the fear!

Also, it’s nice to see that there are Browncoats here!

BTW, I found Treybor’s Serenity Tutorial re-posted on the Foundation 3D forums.

Awesome work, finish it with good textures and lighting and you’ll get into the forum galery for sure!


lol i came from Anim8or too XD

Oh my gosh…

… thats totally amazing!


Very nice. To me the neck looks a little thick and the rear section looks a little too small, though it may just be the perspective. Looking forward to seeing it finished.

Drool, Drool, Drool…

About the Flaps, how about parenting them to empties, then just rotate the empties? That should let you keep their original centers.

Not sure if this has been posted yet, but I found what appears to be a complete(?) set of Tut’s here ( )

…hope its helpful…:yes:

P.S. Love your model… (I have to go mop the floor now… all that drool :o )

Awesome model. Looking forward to an end-result.

Did vote “Farscape” as best cult-scifi show ever btw. But Firefly is definately a close runner-up on my list.

Remembered this thread and came back to check it out. The latest images look so awesome! If you see this, Trager, don’t give up on this project! I’d love to see an awesome final render out of this incredible model!:frowning: Shame to see it go to waste…

What a good show Firefly was, too bad it is gone now. Good movie too.
Nice work on the model, very nice work.