i dl’d the new version of firefox the other day, finally, and it has been alright until today, i start browsing for awhile and then it just freezes up, everything stops, i tried alt+ctrl+delete and alt F4, it never closes though, the only way i can fix it is to reset my power strip, its happened about 6 times, any suggestions?
let me assume you’re running a Windows ME, PIII 700mhz, 64mb RAM, ATI Radeon X800
(system specs would be nice)
Windows XP, Pentium4, 3.07GHz, 504 MBs RAM
Wait just a moment? Is 504MB of RAM even possible?
The only thing i can suggest is to redownload firefox, uninstalled, restart, Install, Restart.
The file might have been corrupted or it has just become corrupted /unstable.
also, does it happen when you view a certain page, such as a video file, Java applet, javascript? so on so on.?
Wait just a moment? Is 504MB of RAM even possible?
guess so, thats what it says, i might be a noob , (prolly in the wrong place )
and yeah, it usually happens here on elysiun, but ive seen it on like 1 other site
512 - 8 [graphics memory] = 504
I use opera, not firefox
Did you try re-downloading it? I have serious doubts that Firefox is creating this problem unless the build was corrupted when you grabbed it. Firefox runs flawlessly on both XP boxes in my house.
damn, seems like i cant ever be online freely, i just decided to use opera instead of firefox, so thats taken care of, thx z3r0 d
but now theres a problem with my connection, i just recently switched to SBC (dialup), it runs at good speed and all and the connection is great, except that when i sign off and try to sign on later it completely dials and gives me an error, (error 50) it says that it isnt supported by my modem, the only way i can get on is by restarting my comp, and i dont know how to fix this, i searched the help topics, and im trying to email SBC now, but i was wondering if anyone else has encountered this problem
Couldnt that not be the problem?
You just said you recently went to a new web provider and recently recently firefox has been acting up.
Could it not be that firefox is crashing because its stuck in a loop trying to find your modem which doesnt seem to be there anymore?
well i dont think thats it, i just made Opera my default browser, but it still does it, im thinking about uninstalling firefox, it could be it i guess, but thx for all the help
well i just tried uninstalling firefox, and, well, that failed, any other suggestions anyone
Agreed. This is a guess, but it seems like something is probably going wrong with either your modem or the software that drives it. Did your current ISP give you new software?
Agreed. This is a guess, but it seems like something is probably going wrong with either your modem or the software that drives it. Did your current ISP give you new software?
well how could i tell something is wrong with my modem, (i=complete noob), and all that my ISP gave me was a disc, so maybe i should reinstall it or something, right?
It can’t hurt to re-install the software.
I am sure that there are Windows experts here that can help you diagnose hardware issues if that doesn’t work.
k i think ive found the problem, the last few times ive disconnected, properly i might add, ive noticed that an error flashed telling me the modem was unsuccessfully disconncted, or something like that, i think i might just be dissconnecting incorectly, sooooooo anymore suggestions, oh and i have tried reinstalling my dialup program