FireFox Wallpaper

Nothing fancy, I like my wallpapers simple.
I reduced and cropped the wallpaper down to the attached image, original is 2560 x 1600 which can be found here
Modeled in Blender
Rendered in Yafray
Slight tweak in GIMP
Thanks for viewing


Excellent, I first…

Great pic, this is definitely going on my desktop…:slight_smile:

did you know the actual Firefox logo was designed in Blender?

Cool wallpaper. I love the look of the globe, especially the bumpmapped landmasses. There’s another version of the Firefox logo that I’ve seen in some icon sets where the fox is looking outward (and he looks more wolfish, actually). That one would be really cool to do as well.

Nice, how did you make it (especially the states)? I like the texture of it. Good idea.

it was cool!

umm… not originally if thats what you mean!!

Looks great - to be honest I never knew there was a fox in the symbol before. :smiley:
Definitely will be using this, nice and simple.

Pretty nice. Unfortunately, Firefox has a great but very complicated logo. Did you use a background image to model it accurately?

Glad you all like it. This is my first project (that I actually finished) that is not of something mechanical.

The globe texture is a black & white earth map (.jpeg) from NASA UV mapped in the nor channel. The rest of the materials started out from the Blender Material Repository website and then were “tweaked” to what I wanted.

As for modeling it, doing a Google search of FireFox logos gives you an ample selection. Using as a background image I modeled a flat Fox and worked it out to 3D and wrapped it around the globe.
The one I used (shows up the most common in a Google search) is all over the place so I don’t know who originally did it.