First animation

Whats up guys… i finally figured out how to use armatures and made this little animation… cant wait to hear what you all think of it =)


haha piler what about a link!! hehe…

heres his link everybody!

great use of textures… animation could use some tweaking… ie the bending of the fish; the body doesn’t flow from the head to the tail as it would in real life.

great start! definately beats the first animation i did :slight_smile: !


keep blending!

thanks for posting my link for me haha, i think thats about the 3rd time ive done that.

that looked great !

Very convincing fish.

I think that the head doesn’t move that much when a fish swims, unless it tries to change direction. The tail though moves a lot (logic). It’s more like a whip, a small movement of the head that gets amplified while it travels along the body.

Very good texturing.

Movement need some work, but all people before me already comented on what needs to be worked on.
