hello this is one of my first arch viz rendering in blender , ive done one in the past but it was heavely photoshopped ( this one is still a bit tho …) .blend is in the wetransfer with the PS
can i have some feedbacks and advices?
its a bit noizy when looking closely even at 600 sample at 1400x2900 , took 3hours… bounces maybe ?
i had a lot of trouble with vram , it went crazy ive been forced to use cpu … anybody know why or know how we can see the cause? i think ive done some bad instancing (i know i can do a command render but well its not really handy)
my viewport was also completely horrible , even if all my vegetations were displayed in bounding box , i really dont understand why , even on a completely separated layer blender took 20s only for undesrtand i wanted to select something … drived me nuts …
The first image looks really good! I like the symmetry in it. The second one is good too but it could use a little work if you are trying to achieve photorealism. They are both nicely done though. Keep it up!
thanks ! for example what for the second ? i know the color are a bit odd, i think the material , the staircase and the perspective are a bit too , but well it was my first attempt ever at blender :’)
The ram and viewport issues are a daily thing with these kind of scenes
you have to be careful with how much geometry and textures you can add.
it is wise to think of what detail will be seen and what is barely visible or from far away in the final shot - this way you can optimize a lot.
yes they are 3d trees , but i retouch them a bit in ps , taking not more than 200mo
no i forgot about the denoising , the last time i tested this option it taked me 300mo fore of vram so i was kind of turn off by this feature
actually im really really carreful with vram , i think i had some bad instances problem when dupplicating trees and bushes, so a lot of the same textures were loaded 5x times too much …but i dont know how to resolve this once its done… its quite difficult to resolve with 40+ trees and bushes…
Really nice work sir,
I love the second image, with the hybrid styles of the old fashioned house and the modern side building, really great. Maybe you could have used some models off of blend swap for the people as if you zoom in you can see that they are just cut-outs. The only other things would be that the old house could do with some grime and dirt to make it look more realistic.
Good job:grinning: