First armature, something less bad?

After read the book, some tutorials and alot in this forum i came with my first armature. Please, give me your opinion. It’s to work with separate character (non deformable), a small artist’s mannequin.

One question:
in my bones Pe_L, Pe_R (feet) and Braco_L, Braco_R (lower arm, my armature names are wrong) if i activate Rotation in the IK solver, the bone change position, but if i put a new constraint Copy Rotation, the behaviour is a bit diferent. Why?

Thank you very much!

The rotation change because it’s not the same functionnality.
The rot button in IK solver is just there to add influence of the target’s rotation in the solving of the entire chain. A copy rotation will just copy the rotation from one bone to an other.

The rig is good for simple character animation. Simpe yet full of animation posibility and predictable behavior.

The foot and arms, ik target system could use a sublevel bone so you can kinda animate multiple bone with one. Let me explaine:
for the foot if there was a bone for the entire foot, (The one you would move) so this foot bone would then move the 2 ik target you already had (PE-L_IK and Perna-L_IK) by parenting them to this feet bone. Then adding this sublevel bone for toes also. So when you move the feet bone, the PE-L_IK move, which make the PE-L point down and there would be a toes bone without parent but with a copy location. So when you rotate the feet, the toes doens’t.

Thank you for your kind words, but after a first test animating it, i feel it still needs alot. I’ve made the Ludwig tutorial yesterday, before this RIG (many thank’s to sketchy) and the armature response was totally diferent (for better, of couse).
Now i think i know what to expect from a good RIG.

Thank you once more!:slight_smile:

ho I forgot to tell you:
Put a curve in you spine, it will be more easy to animate.

What do you think Gabio?

I have to made the toes bone (dedos) child of Pe (foot) otherwise it didn’t follow the foot when i move Perna-IK.

I have a small question. Left toes have a rotation constraint that is local. Why does not follow rotation ? (i know it’s easy to solve by aligning the IK with the toes bone and not make the constraint local) but why being local doesn’t work?

Thank you very much!

p.s. - the armature link is the same above.

hey good job!
The local button let you use the tranform matrix (the default position) of the the target. Because the bone you target don’t have the same default pose as the toes bone. The result will be different. Not working in local mode solve it. But imho it’s way better for the toes to have an independant rotation, walkcycle wise.
Check back:
Blend file

Very clever solution, changing the Perna-IK to Dedos!!
I was breaking my head trying to get a solution to bend the feet and here it is!:slight_smile:

Thank you so much for the other things, to!
Already think of adding a root bone, but left for later cause if seems not dificult.

The feet were the first thing to get all my atention (no fetish), after all, they support all the armature. Now i’ll work on a single hand finger and then on arms and legs rotation (throught elbows and nees).

If you don’t mind, i’ll show you some improvements.

Thank you ver much!

So much that already learn just playing around with the file you sent!:slight_smile:

I was trying to make a crouch anim to show you and just in the first “paste mirrored pose” i get a dificult problem (to me, of course). All the armature is to the right of the center and when “paste mirrored” all the bones get a side slide effect. Nice problem you send!:slight_smile:

Sorry to broke the walkcicle (saved in other file, he he).
What do you think of the arms/ hands now, Gabio?
Is the same link.

p.s. Of course is a bit copy.:slight_smile:

of source you’ll have problem with mirrored pose because you didn’t follow name standard, something I noticed while doing the walkcycle.
Two mirrored bone must have the same name + finish with a side flag like .L _L .left .R _R .Right.
The hand look ok, based on right side. Just try to animate with it to see if there would not be any problem.

I fixed the names. I’m having some troubles with the thumbs, don’t know if it’s a bad rig or my inexperience animating.

I hope i’m not trying to give a step bigger than my leg (portuguese expression).

Thank you again!:slight_smile:

I think i was complicating the hand to much. What do you think now?

Thank you!

I think it’s getting better. A half-crouch animation!
The thing i can not control very well is the rotation of the hands while on the ground!

Do you have any tips?

Thank you very much!:slight_smile:

nop the hand rig is okay. of course when you’r done you can hide useless bone such as IK target with H-Key (reveal with alt-K)
if you have problem with hand animation, just look how the feet work. they got independent rotation. There is 2 reasons for that:
-The foot IS the IK target :slight_smile: which doesn’t follow IK chain rotation.
-The bone of the foot (Perna) isn’t part of the IK chain.

The simpless way to deal with rotation of extremity is to cut the effect before it get to the last bone.

Right here the easiess solution would be to turn hinge on for both Mao bone. select a bone and go in armature bones panel in editbutton.
Though you’ll have to key every single rotation the hand will do.

Or build the hand the same way you did with the feet. (but I don’t think you need such a system for a simple hand).