First Character Model - Tim Series

Updated: First draft rough complete body

Hey there. I just started doing blender a couple of weeks ago and am trying to learn as much as I can! I started the epicly awesome Tim series by ddub (I can’t link urls yet) and have been having a blast. I gave up a long time ago to make it look right and am simply shooting for my guy having almost all his body parts in the right place!

I’ll be posting updates as I go, and I’ll be stopping once the main modelling is done so I can just play around with all I’ve learned.

Any advice, critiques, comments is welcome. Also looking for more learning resources.
I am currently focused on modeling, so any important basics/intermediate would be appreciated :slight_smile:

looks pretty good so far. we could probably give you some good advice if you post a wireframe.

Current blend file: Tim-part4- feet and body touch up-22.blend (658 KB)

Some wireframes! I got really lost around the lips and hips/crotch. Only 3 files per post, so I’ll get the body shots tomorrow!

Update with the full body. The hands were definitely a challenge. I could see spending a lot more time there to really get the amount of detail needed to make them look right. Currently, just wanted to finish up the first draft of the full body. Comments and critiques always welcome!

the head looks pretty good.