First Composite animation!

Yesterday i wanted to try out some compositing, so i made this quick animation!:smiley:

tell me what you think:confused:
and yes, i see that one step he takes is kinda weird:p

uh, repost your link, its all messed up man

won’t work right :frowning:
just copy-paste it - that should work :slight_smile:

hey, not too bad for your first composite. Think about this:

The walk is still a little jerky, maybe smooth it a bit. I really like the climb tho.
The compositing has a nasty line around Mancandy. Can we see the nodes setup?
The reflections dont seem to match up with the feet, try to fix that. Other than that, not too bad, though it looks too much like a picture(take it into some video editing program, or a 2d camera animator, and give it some camera shake or something)

Overall, pretty nice, keep it up!

thanks :slight_smile:
here’s the node setup -[]_setup01.JPG[](http://<a href=)
and yeah, i should really work on walkcycles, but i’d rather make a new composite animation than fix and re-render
as for the background, it’s just an image - as you can see in the nodes :slight_smile:
oh, sorry about the links not working - dunno how to fix that

The Walk: Yeah, I mean, work on it in the future.
The Image: I figured that.
The Nodes: Okay, hook up the alpha output of the mancandy render layer to the alpha input in the Alpha Over node. That will take out the outline.

free_ality, off topic I know, but I just realized im about an hour or so from you, I’m in Raleigh… gotta ask are you a Nascar fan?

back on subject, looks good, I agree a video would look alot better than a picture, try Icarus.

Great work Jeepster[]! Though you should used a better picture, but i love everything else!

thanks free_ality, Strike, and Marsan! :slight_smile:
i think i’ll do another one soon, just don’t know what to make it about…hmmmmm…

Not bad. Walk Cycle seems rather stiff, but overall it’s cool.


Pretty neat Jeepster :], only thing that bugged me was his hands look a bit stiff, i think the fingers should be bent some, just look at your own hands and see how they look when your not doing anything with them, still cool stuff, make more.

Ha, just caught that post. Im actually not a huge fan(I enjoy it), but my dad is addicted to it.
It is huge down here tho, I moved from the western US a few years ago, wehre it isnt nearly as big.
Bu theres nothing like a huge race and teh smell of burning rubber

thanks cuby and fried :slight_smile:
yeah, i really should try working on my walk cycles, i’ve seen a few tuts on that, but none of them (obviously) haven’t worked for me :stuck_out_tongue: anyone know of a good one that’s worked for them?

cool Jeepster. I am kinda amazed you got the reflection on to the table. I cannot check the node set up image, how did y get the reflection there?
Not too bad walk cycle

thanks j :slight_smile:
glad you noticed the reflection!
what i did was i placed 2 seperate planes in the 3D scene to match up with the background - one for the white desk and one for the CPU (which isn’t too noticible). from there i simply added a reflective material with a lower alpha value. so through the nodes, it just mixes in :slight_smile:

clever, thanks.