First Female Head attempt.

After doing my first female face attempt not to long ago I thought I’d try to tackle the head. I totaly started from scratch(didn’t use my old female face) to get alot more detail in the mesh this time. I plan on doing the whole head including the neck. Also I plan on texturing it(bump map, color map, ect) which i’ll need alot of help with. Heres my current progress(only got the front profile and a little bit of the chin finished):

The topography is pretty dead on if I do say so myself but I’d still like your comments and crits about the overall shape of the mesh. The refrance pic is one I found off the web and i’m not really trying to follow the shape of it exactly, but just trying to get a basic female shape so I can edit it from there to fit what I want it to look like.

Thanks for veiwing!:smiley:


Looking good so far . One thing I’d change is where the cheekline meets the mouth. It might make for better animation later on. Still, looking good . Keep going :slight_smile:

Small update:

Had a rough day at work so I didn’t really add anything but I decided to turn off optimal draw in edit mode on the mesh and moved some verts around that way to clean up the mesh. Also tweaked her mouth a bit to give her more of a neautral smile.

Will try to get more updates to you tomarrow BUT i’m pulling a double so I’m not sure if ill will have alot of time to blend.



Didn’t have alot of time to blend today but I managed to complete the ear. Here it is:

I’m off work tomarrow so I’m gunna try to finish most of this model tomarrow.:smiley:

THX FOR VIEWING! and post more crits and comments plz:p
