first few parts of the render dont render textures

in my render the first few parts, or tiles, of the render don’t render textures correctly.
it used to happen now and then but i simply aborted the render and restarted it and usually it worked afterward. Now it has become a permanent issue and i cant seem to make out the reason.
have a look as this render:

if you look closely you can see that the color as well as normal influences are not rendered.
this only happens in the early parts of the render.
enabling/disabling raytracing, shadows, colormanagement, compositing, save buffers and free textures , as well as decreasing resolution doesn’t help.

i remember that i encountered a similar issue long ago in 2.4x and somehow got around it, i don’t remember how tho.
currently im using 2.54 r31865

anyone else encountering this?
every help is very appreciated.

using a newer build, r32060, doesn’t help.
but i think i narrowed the problem down.
it seems as if a complex material and texture norde setup causes this strange behaviour.
the higher the complextity the greater the bug, up to a crash.

i managed to reproduce the bug and uploaded a file here:

please download the file and post your results so that i can file a bug report, should the error be reproducable on other machines.
please include a render and the release client

the bugged render should look something like this:

the second render right after the first should render fine and look like this:

The node setup in this file has no real porpose other than putting strain on the system to produce the bug.

Yes, I had the same results in r32037 on os x 10.6.2 (issues with first render, then it worked fine). Really interesting. Have you submitted this to the bug tracker?

Thanks for taking the time to test this.
I havn’t submittet the bug yet, i wanted to wait for someone else to verify this.

you can actually crash blender with this bug with the following steps:
open the file
close the node editor, so that only the buttons and the 3d view is open.
save the file
reopen it
then render
the console should fill up with many mapalloc errors, which leads me to belive that there is a problem mapping the textures to the mesh.
The parts rendered, if any are rendered at all, look very funky and then blender crashes.

The mapping rotation around Y is 4225° - apparently this leads to overflow errors in calculations. Set it to ‘normalised’ form (0°-360°): 265° and you’ll have nice render. Obviously Blender should handle this automagically too :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot for looking into this.
sadly i dont know what you mean by nomalised.

in my actual project file i simplified the node setup to avoid getting the error, however i still get it from time to time and i cant find any “off the scale” values like 4225°.
Ill see if i can upload a slimmed down version of my project that is capable of still producing the error.

I just reduced the rot value in both node materials to 0 and it seems that this solved it for the rounded cubes, however now the errors show up on the ground

I already answered on bugreport too, but just for completeness here too: you’re node setup is pretty heavy. Rendering the simple cubes+ground scene takes about 1700MB of memory. On a 32bit system this will mean a crash, since a 32bit Windows system can address only 1.3GB of memory per process (note, this is after saving and reopening after first render, meaning you have all those buffers filled in image viewer).

On my Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit I don’t get a crash (6GB RAM helps there), and I don’t see the error on the ground.