Newbie work
any comment are welcome
cute, but he doesnt look like a mega-man, more like DotMan. I like the helmet, but his shoes are too shiny (unless they are supposed to be).
it’s not megaman
it’s megaman enemy
the one who usually hide with his helmet and then shoot the megaman
(wew old time game…)
thx for the comment
actually i create it using a model from toys
and it created using plastic
that’s why I create a mirror like
but I agree it’s too shiny
do you know how to make the reflection blur?
Good work. It looks nice and clean. I’d raise the specularity of the helmet a bit
Ah yeah, a Met (Metall, Metool, Mettaur) AKA ‘Hard Hat’…
It would be nice if you extrude the green parts on the helmet a bit.
Well, that certanly made my eyes bug out. In a good way! Haven’t played the games in a good while so the first thing that came to mind was E.G. Fire Man (and then Magma Dragoon, hate hate hate kill kill kill die die die x_x), so it was a little shocking for a moment and then I was like, “Oh yeah, one of THOSE.”
My brain says he should be standing on orange bricks with maybe a few blades of grass inbetween . . . not sure why.
i think that’s the first time i’ve seen one of them in 3d… cool!
@Yoeri:thx man, actually i used the same material for helmet and his leg
@Sago:thx. I don’t know his name, is it “metal head”? or “helmet head”? I can’t extrude it since it’s only a texture. what can I make is using displacement map technique, but I can’t use high value for displacement map(it will make him weird and broke his helmet)
@Star Weaver:thx man, sorry to disappoint you a bit. I create this because this is the easiest megaman enemy that I can create( don’t expect too much on newbie:D)
@venar303: thx, just see the new one, is it still cool enough?
This a new update image:
This is a few change I made:
-add area lighting
-add world texture
-add very small displacement map in head (about 0.015)
-and a few minor problem
I want to say sorry to admin and moderator
since this section should be a finished project(no update)
thx for comment
its cute…nice hat…