Hey everyone, this is my first post here. I’m new to blender, not new to 3D CG but I was more interested in the technical side of it, particularly because I don’t have the time and patience to spend hours modelling. So i’m quite a newbie to modelling. Anyway, yesterday I thought I would try to model something organic for the first time and so I tried to model a head. I didn’t use any references as this all started as some quick playing around in blender. As I quite liked how it was turning out I decided to post this here to see if you could help me with improving it. This was what I accomplished. I made some triangles while joining the ear but I will make those into loopcuts soon. Comments and criticism very welcome.
First welcome to the community! I hope you enjoy your stay! I would recommend viewing Torq’s face tutorial, as it is a standard now in the Blender community. It is not a bad start, the nostrils are a little sharp and lips do pucker slightly, look at the tutorial and you should be fine!
Thanks for your suggestions! The tutorial seems very straight to the point and informative! And I definitely need to get some good reference material to get the proportions right. I think I will just start over, this time with it, and following that great tutorial. This community seems great, by the way, from what I’ve seen very helpful and nice to beginners and with some extremely interesting discussions.
You’ll find some excellent free head reference here at ‘got3d.com’. You’ve made a good start, your mesh is light enough that you can tweak it without too much pain…
Hi…just thought id chip in and give you some pointers. Youve made a good start and the first head you make always looks weird. the flow between the nose and the lips isnt great and also where the eyes meet the nose.
have a look at these. they are for modo, 3d max and silo, but thats irellevant, its the flow your trying to get right. its easy enough to follow modelling tutes in others, the tools are the same (mostly). there is a blender version of the modo tute somewhere but i cant find it.