This is my first image post, so on one hand I wan’t you to give me some feed back, and on the other, I just wan’t to know that I did good. It’s the first time I have come close to finishing something.
The planet I made after reading “making a realistic planet in Blender” and the ship is based on a dublo model on of my boys made.
If you tell me I should work on something, let me know what tools you would use to do it. Like… “you might use bevel to round of some edges”.
It’s a big ship. Maybe hundreds of people.
About windows, I don’t belive in windows in spaceships, not big ones anyway, but I still could’nt help making the green area. That’s some sort of panorama viewing area on the flight deck.
I hope this is what you meant by wireframe, else give me more specifications and I’ll make one more.
yup thats what i meant the modeling seems to be ok, but there is something with the matetrial bothering me… but again on second thought the material can be anything, you should try rendering with yafray
I love the way you did the background of space. Although it looks very sci-fi, it seems to match your scene.
-I like the way your ship has detail to it, I assume that you used a texture for that.
I like the model of your ship, pretty sweet
what I think needs improvement:
The ship almost looks like it’s resting on the top of the planet, instead of hovering above it, you should move the ship up and tilt the camera so it gives the feeling of it being above the world or planet.
the lighting doesn’t satisfy me. But, you picked one of the hardest scenes to light. I really stink at lighting, but I’m getting better. To help your lighting I think you should give the light the tint of your universe, the purple.
You should give the planet more depth. Most planets (including earth) has an atmosphere. What you should do is give the planet a lill mist.
well, thats all I really have to say, very very impressive for being new. Congrats!
Pretty good for a first post. Ah, I can’t wait till the day I can actually understand Blender well enough to at least produce something as good as that.
Just out of curiosity, what’s the reflective stuff in the back of those cylindrical things projecting out of the main body of the ship?
you should add some greeble to the ship. Break up the hull a little, and i think it will look a lot better. Try to add little gizmos on the hull, especially if they’re interesting shapes, and it will look great. the texture’s not my favorite, but it’ll do