First mobile phone

Hi! My last work

When i saw the post i thaught you ment youre first phone model and was going ot make a joke and post a pic of a brick, but that very nearly made me laugh!, well done, seems sound, cant find a problem, eyebrows seem a little too white, but COOLEO, you get a MR T!:ba:

:smiley: hehe
good image

O I get it haha. The dude has nice hair but weird looking eyes

Awesome render. Great attention to detail.


Really cool! It has a great feel to it! Nice! I love the concept too! It made me laugh.

I look forward to seeing more works by you!


Awesome work i love this dark colors and stuff great work man!

Hehe, the title cracks me up. Great image.

Very nice work. I really like the hands.


GREAT WORK! I love textures, lights, models, and overall look!

Heh, it cracked me up. I really like it, good job.

Quick note though. It looks a little bleached out in the highlights, you should either tone down the highlights so you get less white patches, or you should set up something so the white patches bloom a bit.