First Post: Curtiss Tomahawk

Thought i might post this, is a work in progress of a Curtiss Tomahawk. It’s hopefullly going to be used in some animation or special effects stuff.

Modelled in Blender 2.42
Rendered in Yafray 0.0.9


Looks very good. Im assuming your new to blenderartists but not Blender, cus if thats your first model, wow. Texturing is good, nothing really to crit, but you might want to thicken up the tail fins abit, they look quite thin.
Welcome to blenderartists! :slight_smile:

cheers yer your right in thinking that, i’ll hopefully be posting a lot more on here :eyebrowlift:

Hi ska’d.

Hmm… Understand, that your P-40 is on this attached image (3view and perspective)? I hope, that you will not lose heart to modeling aircrafts, but I have to crits most elements of your P-40. At first it is everything but not P-40. Sorry. I don’t know from where was blueprint you had used to build model (was any blueprints?), but overal shapes was almost totally different then in your model. So from this point your model is not good. But you have enough knowledge of modelling in Blender to build something much, much better.

Don’t be angry about this bitter words, but it is not P-40…

Just look:


Thanks for your crittisms, but im afraid im not that big on aircraft, so accuracy wasnt really key. I didnt use any blue prints i just did it from eye. But thanks for your corrections anyway.