First post: Mike

Blender 2.25 + Gimp

Finished it a few months ago. I’ve lost the track of the source file so I will not be able to post wireframes or do any fixes to the image, but I would like to hear your C&C.
The eye texture is done in Gimp, the rest is procedural (two layers of clouds texture).
The image is meant to be used as a desktop wallpaper, that’s why is so flat and empty.


thats awsome, the only crit i would have is the transition between the spotlight and the background.

its a shame you lost the source file.

Alltaken (p.s. welcome to the blender comunity)

I like it. Could have turned up normals on the skin a bit. But, hey it’s pretty good as is.

looks great,…now you just need an environment.

wow! AWESOME modelling dude, that is extremely implessive. you got a wirefram for us?

top notch stuff, materials could use some work, but its good.

i hope modron and shapeshift are kidding… he says in the post he lost the file, ergo he cant do anything to it

whoops :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless:

LOL shapeshift.

READ BOY, READ!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

ha ha ha j/k


That is great!!! Very cool modeling. Body texture is very good also!
Lighting can be improved (in no time), and the eye can be made better too - look for a tutorial about making a “pixar eye”.

alltaken: What’s wrong with the transition? How would you make it look better ?

cree: You are right, a bumpmap should help it a bit. But as I said, I’ve lost the blend file.

@ner: The lighting is simple - a hemilight and a spot. What do you sugest ?

Modron, Shapeshift, skeletor: Thank you for your feedback.


wow :slight_smile: - we want animation :wink:

Hey, I’m not Pixar !!! :smiley:

realy? could of had me fooled :wink: